OK, here goes... I'll show up too. See you guys soon! Attendees: 1) The Critic 2) F8L 3) Codyroo 4) Wifemomhockeyfan 5) cwerdna 6) cycledrum 7) Lenwood 8) Rebound 9) SquallLHeart 10) Godzuki 11) tvromero 12) zebelkhan 13) Jeff N 14) Macman408
Here's my photos... I count about 10 cars there at the time, though a few more showed up later, and several left early. There was a c, a v, a couple Gen 2s, one or two PHVs... I didn't really count. Also a Volt. No leafs, but I noticed one parked nearby.
some more pic i took. it's great to meet all of you guys and see the mods. the orange C and PIP are very cool. now, i just need to figure out how to deal with the alignment on my car.
After my Son's Basketball tournament, I decided to go and got there around 2:30ish. I saw about 8 Prius' but no one around. No Point of me going inside D&B looking for people I've never seen before so I left.
I'm sorry I couldn't hang out longer. It was great to meet the folks who got there before 12:15pm or thereabouts. I missed the owner group photo but at least my Volt made it into the car photos. I had already agreed to be part of a Plugin car collection at an Earth Day event and had to leave early. Thanks for organizing the meetup!