Actually, maybe I was right all along. Now I'm totally confused. The table in the link I posted says "Summary of Federal Individual Income Tax Data", but is it the case that the in the phrase "Federal Individual Income Tax" tax, the word "Individual" does not distinguish be between individual filers and married-filing-jointly filers, but between personal income and corporate income. Right? Maybe?
I will wait and she what comes up with it and then decide what to do. Right now I another tax situation to avoid! I'm getting ready to start clearing out my other house so I can put it up for sale. It's going to be a nightmare on Elmore St cause I have SO much stuff left in that house. I NEED to sell it to avoid a BIGGER problem with facing capital gains on it. I just found out I have about a year and a half to get it cleaned out and sold. Just working today to find a place to haul my stuff too. I'm not looking forward to this at all! Anyone want to buy a fooseball table and bar? Or a cute little house with a HUGE yard?
Sure as soon as I can get to it. It's a nice one that came from a bar. It has the coin thingy on it so you can make some money off your friends
That's easy to answer. Most countries (including the US) are run by politicians who fully realize they need the votes of the people (or where voting is not allowed at least some support to prevent a revolution/overthrow of gov't) to stay in power. If a politician elects to tax the middle and lower classes (which comprise the vast majority of the people) at a higher or even an equal rate than the "evil, filthy rich person", well guess who usually loses the next election? We could talk further about campaign donations and tax loopholes, but that's another discussion. It's not that the politician dislikes your success, but you as a successful person are only worth one vote and in the minority.
Here's another way of looking at why the tax credit is the way it is: If you are a Republican Congress and choose to spend a certain number of dollars to incent people to buy hybrid automobiles, who do you target? a) Poor people - Don't think so. B) Rich people - Tempting. Rich people vote Republican but they do have the resources to buy vehicles of their choice without incentives and will still vote Republican without this incentive. c) Middle class - Lots of voters here and a good chunk of the swing voters needed in the next election. Bingo. So, use the AMT to keep the poor and rich from getting all or part of the credit. Two birds with one stone! Not bad! Not good enough. In order to support the American automobile industry, a mechanism is needed to limit the number of foreign vehicle purchases getting the credit without impacting American sales. Hmmm... Got it! Phase the credit out based on numbers sold! The popular (foriegn) manufacturers will use their allocation up quicky leaving the less popular (American) manufacturers with a longer lasting credit. Win-win! Booya! That's how we do things in Washington DC!
I was curious too 90 seconds of google solved the riddle: Do you remember 70's era bean-bags ? The inside is the same, the outside can be just about anything.
GM outsmarted them. By calling their extra 12v batteries 'hybrid's, the credit will be used up without GM actually doing squat.
Well the Advertising bean bags I sell are from my old business. Just selling what I have and doing some custom bean bags for corporate clients yet. My main business is the Stuffaplush business. I'm sure you have heard of BuildABear? I'm like BuildABear but I don't do the retail part of the business. Only the wholesale side. So I import the skins, clothing, and accessories from china and then wholesale them out to retailers all over the US! It's a good business for me because I have been in it for so long. I also do quite a bit of custom work for corporate companies. Like we just manufactured puppets for a client. At Christmas time we supplied the Treasure Island Casino all there bears and clothing for their company Christmas party. It's a FUN business to be in! Lots of work though. Hard work never bothered me though. TONS of money invested! LOTS of bookwork :blink: So what do you guys all do? No I don't remember the 70s Era bean bags. I wasn't born yet
I don't understand..she's have to get her're complaining she is still living w/ need to step back and ask..why?
Well I guess I'm stupid and let her take advantage of me. If I boot her out she will have to live in her car Guess single parenting didn't work to well for me When I was 19 I was off to job corp and then went out to New York to be a nanny! I was out of the house at 18! She MUST have gotten this from her dad's side of the family :angry: You can lead a horse to water BUT how can you make them drink it? Slam their face into it? :huh:
ouch! I didn't mean to insult. Sometimes we can't see ourselves in issues we dislike. I wrote a thread about having to take my daughter's car from her and got a lot of different perspectives. Standing back and looking at yourself objectively can result in making a painful decision now that will reap rewards in the future. Two of my children "saw the light" ONLY after I stuck their face in it. IOn other words, being an enabler is not "love".
Yeah but how can I put her out on the streets. She is still in highschool yet. I figured I would at least help her get through highschool before I try to put her out. She got held back in 1st grade so she has this next semester to go yet. I would feel horrible if I put her out now and she dropped out with only one semester to go. I bought her a $10,000 car and she doesn't appreciate nothing I do for her. I love her BUT she wants everything handed to her on a silver platter and then that still isn't good enough She hasn't been a very good child. She did $1,600 damage to her new car got caught for speeding twice and also with posseion of drugs in the car. Now today she showed me that someone keyed her hood. She hangs out with the wrong people. What can I do about that though. She's an adult. I don't drink much but once I can get her through highschool I think on graduation night I will swing back a couple beers. Dealing with her and all the stuff I have has been a nightmare to say the least. At least she's working finally and paying for her cell phone and insurance. I was thinking of sending her to Dr. Phil to see if he could do something with her. LOL
You don't learn to appreciate silver platters until you've had a few meals eaten from cans. Why would you give her a $10k car. Were there no $2k beaters around?
Well that was what I was driving before I got my Prius the Ford Escort. Orginally bought for her but ended up back to me. I know. Stupid me. Everytime she drove the Escort though it seemed to break down on her. I was tired of dealing with that. (Getting it towed in etc) Is there any volunteers to straighten her out. I'll buy you a Prius LOL I did make one move now and decided not to keep my other house for her to eventually live in. She can work like I did and buy her own house. I need to sell it and put the money on my current house/warehouse. She would probably not take care of it and her druggy friends would probably destroy it. She's upset I'm selling her childhood home but that's TO bad!
The earned income credit has nothing to do with the AMT. Trust me. You can have negative taxes. In 2004, I paid feds around $600 to $700 in federal taxes. I only worked part of the year. I got back from the feds around $3800 dollars in refund. That means I had an overall negative tax. I got back way more than I paid.
Go see how much credit they get!... if you do squat, you get squat! They analyse who most fits the classification as a "hybrid" and credits accordingly.