One doesn't slow down one does the posted limit rather than fly at 15 miles above it as most folks do. These are single lanes separated from the rest of the 2 or 3 lane system and solely for use by cars with no less than two in them - unless you now drive a hybrid.
I'll add my own "me too" to this thread. I drive briefly on the highway to and from work on a daily basis. I always find that I will pull over into the left lane and be passing traffic when people will fly right up on my rear and tailgate me. I speed up and finish my pass and then the person comes over into the middle lane right in front of me. Happens almost on a daily basis during my 20 mile round trip.
I also see/have had that happen a lot. Would love to have the money to take a Prius and just leave the shell as original and make a sleeper car out of it - a real surprise for those who expect the usual slow turtle mobile but instead would find a 300+hp street racer with suspension to match. Would have a variety of dashcams just to record their reactions.
Since my purchase of a 1984 plymouth minivan, then a 1995 plymouth minivan, then a 2009 toyota sienna, and now a prius I have found that nobody wants to be behind those vehicles. i would guess most of us here feel the same. my personal choice for cars to avoid --anything buick and (the new buick) toyota avalon. "Everyone, needs someone; who they can look down on. if you aint got nobody, then help yourself to me."
I did not know that driving 70 on the freeway was considered slow! Was cut off this morning and then the idiot break checks my several times, to show his annoyance that I was driving too slow for him.
Often never got respect even in my 2002 Firebird Formula - used to chuckle at the Nissan pickups that would run right up on your tail even though you are already say 8 mph over the limit in the fast lane. Dreamt about just shifting down to 3rd and flooring it just to see the expression on the driver's face but t was more intent on keeping my good driving record intact.
I get tailgated in my focus. I just keep the speed I'm doing and ignore them. If it's a big enough problem, they will pass. I don't care ever way. I'm not changing my driving habits because you didn't leave sooner. Don't care.
Many states have "slower traffic keep right" laws, regardless of the speed you're driving. Unfortunately it doesn't apply here in SC. I usually don't have to worry since I keep up with traffic in my daily commutes. On long trips though I tend to stay within 5 mph of the speed limit, therefore limiting my time in the left lane to passing slower vehicles. I always have a good laugh when some idiot tailgates me, and when I pull over, they don't pull ahead. Or when I'm coming up to a red light, someone will go around me and accelerate to the red light! Yup - you showed me how to drive!
I haven't noticed this problem. Perhaps because there are so many Prius drivers in this area. I do notice a number of Prius's going 80+ on the highway, and perhaps this helps temper the stereotype of being slow. I used to be lead footed prior to my Prius. Now, around town I'm a much more conservative driver, try to keep it in or closer to Eco mode much of the time, and my mileage shows it. I'm still a bit quick on the highway, however, but get over 50 mpg on it.
I have noticed this also as a new Prius owner. My wife drives a Ford Edge that I drive in the same fashion and speed as my Prius, but no one tailgates me in her car. I don't know if it's the rear view mirror playing tricks, the vertical hatch window that gives the illusion of folks being closer to me, or the fact that it's a Prius. On another note, I also get tailgated in my modified 1993 Porsche 964 with no cats and a single resonator. I don't know why folks would tailgate me in it since it smells like a big has leak for at least 100ft back. I think certain cars provoke certain behaviors.
This phenonimum is real. It's a wonder no one has done a study........when driving the f250 I see none of the rage/weirdness that is common while piloting the Prius. The thing is I travel slower in the Ol truck and take longer to pass or get out of the way if caught passing in the left lane by some road warrior One example that sticks in my mind involved a tricked out gm suv with the big wheels and chrome everything. I was traveling at 78, using the cruise when possible, not flopping along paying much attention to mpg, long way to go and not much time to spare. I passed a truck on a slight grade that was going under the speed limit 65ish. When I got in front of him there was the suv going about the same speed as the truck so I passed him too before reclaiming the right lane. Next thing I know they are on my bumper, I hold my speed.. after a while they whip around, a couple of the passengers give me the evil eye, exaggerated head shaking. Off they go no problem........several miles later I overtake them with my cruise still set at 78, they where going 65ish in the right lane. I moved to the left and passed them up..........they raced by me again. This pattern continued three more times. They were fine going 65 to save gas, BSing, whatever but something about the little Ol Prius being ahead of them was more than they could take...bruised ego whatever..weird. RAL
Finding the exact same phenomena in Canada. Too many angry, aggressive drivers, and they do not have the skills of race car drivers. One example. The cruise in the Prius is better than any car I have ever owned, so I set it to 85 km/hr in an 80 km/hr zone, it never varies more than 1 km, on the two lane road, and everybody passes, with attitude. About a month ago there was a Dodge pickup that was a few cars behind my "train", and he passed all of us when there really wasn't time, and he started to smoke, and sure enough I passed him 1 km ahead on the side of the road with a blown engine. People basically have a problem following anyone driving consistently near the speed limit, and the increased number of accidents I see seem to prove it. And this is when there are perfect weather conditions. I think we should start having dash cams as standard equipment, so we can start documenting this more. My wife and I tend to drive as smoothly and cooperatively as possible and let the other drivers ruin their cars, crash, and pay more for gas if they like. p.s. like the Prius so much, we just bought a new Prius C as well, love them both.
I'm guessing most of you seeing this prius induced road rage are probably asking for it and would see the exact same results in any car. If you don't want people tailgating you while you drive slow in the passing lane, then get out of the passing lane. I've driven 60K highway miles on my prius since I bought it, and have never once been the victim of this malicious crime. Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe I just don't give people a hard time because I don't get in peoples way...
Well if you're driving 65 in the right lane of a three lane 55 mph expressway and ppl are still up you butt... How you you not "get in peoples way"? Drive off the road? Start driving 70 in the right lane?
Did you read some of the posters? It doesn't matter if I'm going 75 or 80mph in a 65mph zone on the right lane, I'm tailgated in my prius and Porsche more than I am in my wife's Edge.
It's comments like this that show the assumptions people make about road rage and how dangerous those assumptions are. Like someone already said, I doubt you've read through the thread. I have never taken my Prius in the far left lane of our 4 lane highways in Houston and normally stick to either the second right lane if I have a ways to go before I exit or the right hand lane if I'm exiting within a mile. This is done to prevent blocking the far right hand lane for entering or exiting traffic. The speed limit on the highway is 65 here and I usually do between 60-65 in that lane and will follow behind a semi if I can find one. People normally pass me if they want to go faster than me but I often find myself being tailgated in the second to right hand lane when the other lanes are clear for passing. They will ride my nice person for a few seconds before tearing away in one of the other lanes. Was I asking for that or in his way or giving him a hard time? I'm happy for you that you don't find yourself in that position but it's unfair to make assumptions of other people if you honestly know nothing of the situation.
I picked up my prius just the other weekend and the very first car to follow me tailgated me. An audi, here in the uk audi drivers have a bad name for being aggressive egotistical drivers. A few days later a BMW driver tailgated me on the way home from work. This has not happened in over a year, my other car is a jaguar xfr and nobody has ever tailgated me in that and I drive exactly the same apart from the xfr gets up to speed much quicker.