LOL! I drive the Tri-State once a week and I'm in cruise the whole time. I do 70 to keep from getting killed, but when I'm lucky enough to find a truck doing 65 I draft and enjoy the savings. The OCD speed freaks can enjoy the 42 seconds they saved on their 30 mile rides, and I can enjoy MY OCD with the 75 mpg I got on the same trip.
2 seconds behind them unless you're in stop and go city traffic. Remember....if you can't see a truck's mirrors? They can't see you, and you might get to find out how the Mansfield Bar got its name..... Every time I log onto this forum, I'm reminded of two things: 1. There is a GOD 2. GOD has one helluva sense of humor. We have one thread where people are fussing about being tail-gated and bragging about drafting.... No respect on the freeway???? Asked and Answered.
And that's why I read the forum. Almost every time I see a post, I can already see the counter opinions coming. The fun part is doing the weeding, to coin a gardening reference. I guess after awhile I'll figure out who knows what they're taking about. I have noticed that I have to take a lot of comments with a grain of salt because they come from those who do just that, tail-gate, draft, etc., and give the Prius a bad name for the sake of high mpg. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of mpg I'm going to be able to get consistently just driving the car. I have succumbed to the higher air pressure crowd and I'll know soon enough if that is valid or not. I was just curious as to how close a Prius has to get in order to draft effectively, not that'd I'd ever be happy riding behind an 18-wheeler and not be able to see anything for miles. Highways are boring enough when you can see.
I have a hard time dealing with fools since I got my Prius in February. Its just pathetic how many idiots are on the roads. I am doing 65mph on the freeway, right lane, and every second tailgater shows some kind of sign after passing me. I freaking hate them all. I am learning no to care, I don't even look.
So far I haven't noticed any adverse reaction to my Prius anywhere on the 101 between Avondale and Scottsdale here in Phoenix. I admit I'm usually passing many cars because they are in the right lanes following trucks waiting for the next exit. I drive 65-70 depending on traffic.
It ain't me as much as it is everyone else around me lately with "Priusitis" I had a guy in a pickup ride my bumper all the way home. I must have jinxed myself when I stated earlier in a thread that I had not experience this. Now it's a few times a week. Since Atlanta came in as the city with the most hybrid/electric vehicles per capita in the nation, you would think this would not be the case. Making a statement with a car is not worth having an accident over. I'll be leaving the pious ivory tower with my next car (at least that seems to be what the other drivers think I'm in).
I really don't think it's the Prius, just fuel conserving behaviours. To wit: obeying speed limits, keeping a generous front buffer, coasting up to reds, and so on.
You haven't seen fools and idiots till you've lived in a Semi for 15 years. They're the same all across the US although when it comes to running in traffic, LA is way better than Chicago.
I live in the Chicago area and I don't think in this area they stay close to your rear just because you drive a Prius. They stay an inch from your rear end here no matter what kind of car you are driving.
It's exactly the same in the NYC metro area. And if there's a gap between you and the guy in front of more than one car length, someone will fill it (me sometimes!).
I don't like it and you probably don't either but that is the rat race we are forced to live in. I love to go to Door County, WI in the Fall. It is slow paced with beautiful scenery along Lake, Michigan with small quaint towns and great restaurants. Fantastic getaway.
I have friends in rural Massachusetts who I visit once in a while and it's similar there - a different pace to life.
I would like to go there. I know I would like it. Been to Vermont and Maine but did not get to Massachusetts.
I was up in Boston this past weekend- it's the same there too- you don't get a break.... and the joggers just keep jogging regardless of reg/green/yellow, etc. If you need to change lanes- you're required to cut someone off. Also, green doesn't mean GO any longer- it means you need to sound your horn to make the guy in front of you actually look up at the traffic signal and drive his car rather than catch up on texting.
Something I've noticed, when I need to change lanes, typically to get in the left lane at last minute for a left turn: there'll be a decent gap, I signal, start moving over, and the guy at the back of that gap starts getting territorial, accelerating up to close that gap, then tail gating.
Right on. Also, remember the bicycle riders. They ride all over the road, cut in front of you, do all this crazy stuff, just I think hoping you will hit them for a little lawsuit.
You shouldn't be on the left most lane with a freakin prius or a v8. That's the passing lane, learn some driving manners. If you just passed someone, fine, just move over immediately so you are not impeding faster cars. I don't cruise in the left lane even in my 545hp GTR. I recently drove on German autobahns, the german people have driving manners. They pass and move over, and if they happen to drive on the passing lane as you approach fast from behind, they will move over. It helps when the german police will ticket you if you "hog" the passing lane!