I'm just never in a rush. I was raised to be 15 minutes EARLY at all times. I rarely ever need to "rush" to work. So many others basically leave the house at the last possible moment then have a fit when someone in front of them (GASP!) dares to do the posted speed limit.
I make do with 5 minutes early, but I share your approach: leave home a few minutes early and do not stress over the small delays.
[/QUOTE]Years ago a Republican owner in a right wing locale mentioned that he put a 'pissing on OPEC' sticker on his car (the little kid cartoon -- I cannot remember the name of the comic it was taken from.) The rednecks loved him and his car.[/QUOTE] Great Idea. A non-Political sticker. Everyone is the same!!!
Years ago a Republican owner in a right wing locale mentioned that he put a 'pissing on OPEC' sticker on his car (the little kid cartoon -- I cannot remember the name of the comic it was taken from.) The rednecks loved him and his car.[/QUOTE] Great Idea. A non-Political sticker. Everyone is the same!!![/QUOTE] Calvin and Hobbs maybe?
I'm a full time south Florida resident now (former NY metro resident). I travel on the Florida turnpike and I95 and I always drive with the flow of traffic. That means I'm going 75-80. I never notice anyone ever tailgating me. I think if you drive with the flow of traffic you somehow become invisible regarding what you're driving. I definitely think the disdain for the Prius has a lot to do with jealousy. I do notice that there are more aggressive drivers down here than there were in NY. I see people driving over 90 weaving in and out of traffic on a daily basis. Heck, even. The 18 wheelers are driving upwards of 80!! Lastly, I have very dark tint on my windows, which cuts down on people wanting to screw with you.
I agree. I have 40% ceramic tint on the rears and i did notice most people not harassing me as much. I go typically below the speed limit. downhills i pick up speed. I drive the car for gas economy... Don't care about the other cars so much. 90% of the drivers on the road are lousy drivers and the other 9% are in a rush-posers-wanabe-racers. i enjoy taking the cars into some turns and driving the car fast in and fast out in the canyon roads (santiago canyon). I especially like it when a cars is tailgating. I will typically, dip the two side tires into the dirt shoulder to prove the point, given the opportunity. Most of the time they get dusted and i outdrive them. They are completely surprised at my driving ability - Prius or no Prius
I drive 5 over the limit all the time and I still get ppl on my tail barely never I had that problem with my g35 but again I live in Douchebag city lol
Honestly, I just drive my car. Meaning I don't worry about where the gages are for fuel vs electric. I wish I could drive it like that but some fool in a V6/8 would kill me! I've had other V4 cars ride my tail too. So I just drive it, within the limits of the law or about 5 over, like a good citizen should. With that being said, I've had really issues with douchebags and douchebagguettes. I think it's something people should think about before buying. It's bummed my high on being a Prius owner.
I live in Chicago and they all drive fast, crazy and tailgate you regardless if you drive a Prius or a Ford. Makes no difference.
And if you really want to have some fun take a trip from Lafayette IN to Chicago in the morning starting out from Lafayette around 7:00.
And then continue on 1-294 on north to the O'Hare Airport area. You will drive at least 80 or you will get honked at and a lot of gestures directed at you and see if you get tailgated no matter what you drive. Trailer trucks drive just as fast. And if you have enough nerve which I hope you don't, try the same route in the winter when the highway is nice and slippery. They don't slow down because of that either. They slide into each other and wreck too. I won't get out on that highway when it's slippery in winter weather. Been there done that.
I avoid Chicago unless I'm actually going 'to' Chicago. Then I use Hwy 41/45 through Fond du Lac when I'm visiting relatives in WI. When in Chicago, I stay at Great Lakes Naval Center and take surface streets to get around. I don't go there very often, so I take my time and enjoy the sights when I do. And it's not the speed that is the problem, it's the zipping in and around. At least in LA they don't do as much of that. I can drive with the best of them, I just choose not to anymore now that I'm retired and not in any great hurry.
Hadn't thought too much yet about where we'll go, but I think my wife would enjoy another jaunt around Door County and lunch at Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant to see the goats on the roof. BTW, care to share to the meaning of the 'Okinawa' moniker. If it's about the island, I spent 18 months there back in 67-68.
Fast lane around here is 90+mph at times.... i stay out of it but as of this week (just got my prius monday)... that said you are correct. When I drive my Sierra crew cab on 35's people simply pass me on the right if im too slow.... I have noticed the hate for the prius and was blind to it b4 owning one.... Stickers... F@ck your prius Priud repellant arrow points to exhaust My jeep uses what your Prius saves.... List goes on.... Think I will be removing my Prius badge off the back as my next upgrade.... Samsung Galaxy Note 3
I like it when I surprise people by not driving it like a Prius.... My commute dropped from 200 miles daily to 24. Now I just drive it like all the idiots around me and still get decent mpg. If the group I'm around races from light to light I'll do the same. I think it pisses people off if I'm at a multi-lane red light and they move next to me knowing I'll be slow. Then I take off with them. Then I'm not the slow Prius but the jerk in a Prius who's getting in the way. I don't care anymore though. Only wish the recall didn't slow down the electric response but then again it's designed for one purpose. iPhone ?
There are other threads on that whole issue but to me, I feel like it does. I originally only bought the car for one purpose though. Now that purpose has gone away and I itch to trade it for another 100hp and some confidence in traffic. iPhone ?