Sure, trying to get out of your vehicle with cars whizzing by can be dangerous, but it's not impossible if you're cautious. I've been in the same situation driving much bigger vehicles than a Prius. A hatch release button/lever would be convenient, but why not get out of the Prius, assist your passenger and part with a hand shake or a hug? Not having the hatch release isn't a big deal to me.
My Mercedes-Benz C230 Sportscoupe (a hatchback) had a button in the remote to pop the hatch. Very convenient when carrying groceries.
It's easier for me to simply pull the handle on the Prius hatch than to dig for a remote control. That's part of the beauty of the Smart Key System: I never dig for my keys. Tom
Ok I agree the glove box lock, yes if someone wanted to get in there it would be no problem with a "25 cent lock". I still say the hatch release and the auto headlights are design flaws and should be corrected. They can cut that stupid beep beep beep to pay for it. Try pulling curbside at lax to drop someone off or pick them up you would get my drift.
Had one in my Tercel wagon back in the 80s. Popped the tailgate while trying to open the fuel flap. Didn't notice until the tailgate sprung open going over a bump while I was on the highway at 50 miles per hour after I pulled out of the petrol station. Had over 1000 eggs stacked in the back of the car for a food cooperative I was a member of. Thankfully no eggs were harmed in the making of this story but it scares the crap out of me! I don't mind that there is no internal release. I tell people to just lift the hatch by the handle and don't close it with the spoiler. Hasn't failed yet.
"Hey, to open the hatch just grab it above the middle of the license plate and push the rubber button under the lip. Oh, and don't use the spoiler when you close it." Personally there's no way I'm going to let someone open and close the hatch who isn't familiar with the car for fear they'll close it by the spoiler anyway.