Wow, how does a small light pole impact turn into replacing the computer? Just curious how that happens. If they pay for it cool, but still curious.
Flipping through the advanced safety feature section of the manual(our new Camry doesn't have them), I noticed diagrams for how the forward looking system might not see even cars when going around curves. As mentioned, the rear parking sensors might turn off over a certain speed, or simply be too short of range to be effective at higher speeds. The blind spot sensors don't look directly back. Looking at the damage, the pole could have simply slipped through the various sensors fields of view though.
Yes, like the second brain of big dinosaurs(which isn't really true). The various computers in a car could be placed anywhere, and then a surge can travel from the back to the front and vice versa.
Don't forget that the BSM radar unit is in that proximity of damage so check the BSM function when the car is returned to you. Sorry to hear about this collision. It's too bad the ultrasonic sensors didn't pick it up. (was the pole too slender?) I'll be curious to see how ICS and IPA will work afterwards. We had a member with a Gen 3 with IPA and had to get the front bumper replaced. The two sonars for the IPA Pre-Support Function would not work properly after repair, even when he took it back several times.
The report back said there was a light in the trunk (?) that was stuck on. The first report was they couldn't figure out how to extinguish it. The next report said the lamp was controlled by the computer, and they decided it was bad. I am suspicious of the sensors in the first place. And since, of course, everything is controlled by the computer. There was another post today from a guy who works with the sensors in another application, and finds them temperamental. It is not reassuring. At least the work is being done at a Toyota shop,and is covered by insurance. But, so much for my brand new car experience.
The great state of Ma has state regulated car insurance. Any accident over $3000.00 is considered a major accident. It adds four step points to you car insurance, which makes your car insurance more expensive (about $200 per point each year). It takes 6 years for step points to come off you record. Getting it fixed on your own in this state can be a good idea. I hope your situation is better.
Today's episode this Soap Opera, finds the delivery of the computer, which was expected yesterday, to be delayed. They now say, December 1, "at the earliest". Coming from Japan, via pack mule, it may well be further delayed. I've been through this with the Combo meter on my Gen 2. Toyota needs to work on their logistics.
I suspect it is related to number of postings and possibly likes. Perhaps @Tideland Prius can educate us.
There probably was an unusually large bundle of nerve fibers to speed up refelexes. You need that when you're 90 ft long.
In a somewhat similar vein, an oil refinery using pneumatic controls can take days for the product to reach spec. New refineries, like in China, using electric ones take hours.
Always sad to hear about a scratched Prius. I flipped through the Prime manual (PRIUS_OM_OM47A29U_(U)) and found page 340 listing situations in which the sensors might fail to detect obstacles and warn you. Of course Toyota has to cover their butts and list system operation limitations, but in some cases there’s a page explaining operation and several pages listing limitations and considerations. Just a couple days ago, I drove some coworkers to lunch. I explained all the sensors and warnings. As I slowly pulled into the parking spot, I mentioned the front warnings. It finally went off but only after the front end was over the curb.
Lol,you showed them didn’t you j/k that front sensors only good if it’s above the emblem. We’ve touched some parking lot curves ourselves. Try it with different height boxes.
Hello Soap Opera fans, When we last left our "hero", the chump had been told to expect the replacement computer on 12/1. Today, I got a call saying, it'll be in LA in about five days, then we'll fly it east. So, figure on next Wednesday, the 13th. We really, really mean it this time. They have had the car since 10/20 (2017). To think I bought a Toyota based on their service reputation.
There's a good chance your 12 volt will be compromised by this hiatus (maybe already discussed?). If and when they're ever done, be prepared for gut-wrenchingly low displayed mpg.