Well, I am not an English teacher, but I did drive a Prius today (or was it that I stayed in a Holiday Inn). Not to stereotype gamers or anything, but I also participate in some gamer forums so I didn't even notice the grammar until I read the replies. Teh Pr1u5 15 1337! Anyway, why sweat it? If you get the ticket you can be sad, and if you don't you can be glad. Good luck.
Ya know, something just occurred to me. There have been situations where I have called the police myself for clarification. Seriously. I call the non-emergency number and tell them what happened. Then I ask whether I violated the law and whether or not I'm going to be issued a ticket or if I need to file a report. ** The key to this whole thing is to call from a number other than your home phone number and to not give them any identifiable information. ** In every case, the person answering the phone has been very nice, explained the situation and told me to not worry about it. There was a situation in which I tapped someone's back bumper. They took off (quickly) without exchanging information. I don't believe that anyone could have gotten my plate number and it's not as though I fled the scene but all the same, I feared that a few days later the police would be knocking on my door. So I called the local police and asked about it. The woman told me that no one had called anything in so far and that I shouldn't be concerned. But in case they do I should mention that I spoke with her and she will indicate that I phoned it in first. All I'm saying is that rather than fretting over it, you could just call the police and say, "hey, it was late, I'm unfamiliar with the area, and I found myself in a bus lane with no opportunity to get out. Is there video monitoring and if so are you going to mail me a ticket? How much and how long will I have to pay it?" Although a week after the fact might be a little too delayed.
Yeah, good point. I guess I just found it funny that people jumped on the OP so much. I have found people on this forum extraordinarily nice and helpful even when asking very simple questions, but when someone asks one with poor grammar they get ambushed.
No. But someone is. I guess here in Chicagoland I would call the Illinois Toll Highway Authority for the final verdict. But a friendly Illinois State Police phone answerer might be able to provide a very good guess and the appropriate phone number. I often find that often those who can't provide the answers are very helpful in helping you find them.