Ok, time for yet another uninformed speculation. It now certainly looks like the Gen III Prius won't be available for at least one year (2010 model). What's odd is that Toyota seems to introduce new generations on a 5 year cycle, while the current Gen II Prius will (or may) be in production for at least 6 years. One would think that the engineers and scientists assigned (by Toyota) to Prius development would be some of Toyota's best and not likely to need more than 5 years to develop an improved model. Given that Detroit still appears to be WAY behind Toyota in developing a 40+mpg car comparable to even the current gen II Prius. Is Toyota INTENTIONALLY delaying the introduction of much better Prius (Gen III) to avoid a potential political (not consumer) blowback from US Politicians - especially since the Prius is manufactured in Japan? It's one thing to do a little better than the US car companies and not be the 'nail that sticks up'. But it's awfully hard to keep stay below the political RADAR when your car (Prius) is making Detroit look like absolute fools, losers, idiots, incompetent etc. - You get the message. Both GM and Ford are going down fast and will go down even faster if gas prices continue to rise. Toyota may feel that it needs to help slow down Detroit's demise for fear that US politicians will decide to raise trade barriers to "protect" US consumers (i.e. protect Detroit) from those evil Japanese automakers that are forcing us to buy fuel efficient cars. Just a thought?
How come,? Toyota can imitate GM's free exoposure stunts. It will be wise if they were to use the leaks to keep people interested in the new 09 Prius....However, the Prius has become the standard of the Hybrid Vehicle of the world. So Toyota does not care ?
Ditto! you know, clear all the procured "Old parts" so build as many Gen II as parts left..Prelude of greater things to come!
If I remember the original statement by Toyota last year when it announced that the new Prius wouldn't have Li-ion batteries they also said that ( or implied ) there would be somewhat of a 'delay' because they'd have to retool in order to redesign the vehicle to accept updated NiMH batteries. I read this to mean that they had always planned the next Gen to arrive here in Oct on its 5 yr anniversary but with a new Li-ion battery, but production, durability, availability, warranty issues [ pick one ] intervened. The whole plugin issue IMO is one of GM's creation. I think that Toyota planned to use the new Li-ions as an improved version of the traditional Prius but not necessarily with plugin capability. Then GM began hootin and hollerin about a Volt E-REV with 40 mile gas-free capability. Whether this was planned all along by Toyota we probably will never know. But they can't let GM take over the 'high ground'. Your comments about a political backlash may have some weight. That's why I see them 'cooperating' with the 4 other main players to build a hybrid consensus here in NA.