Hi... nice photos! When they are clicked on, they open up full sized. To post a full photo inline, you'll need to have the photo uploaded to a site, such as flickr or google photos, and then click the photo insert icon (the yellow box with the mountain/moon in it), and put in the URL for the photo. If you use flickr, for example, be sure to select the small or medium sized photo, so as to not have a giant photo in the thread! Have fun!
Thanks Rae last night i was trying to put the URL in from Flickr by typing but it didn't work, probably cause i used lower case. I didn't see the image insert thing on the reply form. duh. thanks for shedding the light. i like the way the photos come up linked to the thumbnails, they look great with the black background and it's kind of dramatic, like, there should be some kind of background music. I wanted to put him right in my post though, that has a drama of its own. by the way, that's a SWEET white Prius on your flickr page. Great photos! Here's....(fanfare)....Sport the car: These photos are from the Craigs List ad where i first saw him.
In the year that I've had Spectra, I think I've only seen one lonely Prius in a boring used car lot. Every time I pass it, I look for it. It's been there about 2 months. (With gas rising again [Gracias, Hamas!] it may be adopted) I'm glad you've rescued yours! Welcome to the tribe!
hello all I am new to the forum this is the only picture I have of my car (yet) its a collage of many photos i333.photobucket.com/albums/m394/Poseidon_Simons/carcollage.jpg I reached 3000 km today
Hello everyone! Here's a pic of my 2008 just after a grueling 760 mile trip from Detroit to N. Arkansas in snowy weather without a washing for the photo. It had around 10,000 miles on it at the time. Picture taken on 1/30/09 at 11:42 CST, after the huge ice storm hit N. Arkansas on the afternoon of the 27th. More Ice Storm Images
Nice looking car you got there Bull Winkus. Thank a lot for all those photos, i enjoyed them, beautiful scenery.
Thanks for the complements. Ice storms are mean but oddly beautiful. I could see your car, but it was a small image. Great car to own, eigh? That color was my second choice if I couldn't have gotten the Kaki. EDIT: Oops! I just noticed you were responding to Maria. I managed to get the photobucket to tell me the photo had been deleted or moved. I was hoping to see the collage.
Got the 2009 Prius and it has everything for a techie! Love it so far and I don't expect that to change!
these ar the oly pictures I have of mine [ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/poseidon_simons/3184367185/"]collage of my car on Flickr - Photo Sharing!@@AMEPARAM@@http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3348/3184367185_7078e80fcb.jpg?v=0@@AMEPARAM@@3184367185@@AMEPARAM@@7078e80fcb[/ame] [ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/poseidon_simons/3226074477/"]1028-11-08_22 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!@@AMEPARAM@@http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3128/3226074477_61f5fe18a7.jpg?v=0@@AMEPARAM@@3226074477@@AMEPARAM@@61f5fe18a7[/ame] [ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/poseidon_simons/3290643000/"]n783769693_1005669_8493 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!@@AMEPARAM@@http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3639/3290643000_d34fc58c3c.jpg?v=0@@AMEPARAM@@3290643000@@AMEPARAM@@d34fc58c3c[/ame]
Me either. All I did (I was at work and using a Windows XP on Dell setup): 1. Used the link at the top to access each image. 2. Right clicked on the image and chose properties. 3. Copied the URL for the image from the properties pane. 4. In my post, clicked on the yellow square with mountains icon. 5. Pasted. 6. Repeat until finished. :welcome:
Here ya go! I just put my decals and stiffening plate on today! Waiting for my shark fin to come and just finishing the katzkins leather and there will be pics of all once I get um done! Enjoy! More pix in the album fyi PriusChat Forums - TreffEdwards's Album: The start to a happy ending!