the great thing (for me) is that lall your worst tanks are still better than my old car which the prius replaces. so i'm not to worried. i feel that this tank (my second) will be my worst because i sat in the car for about a hour and a half last night with the heat on inputting my phone book.
What's driving me crazy is the way my tanks have been "bouncing"--one will be in the 40 mpgs and the next will be in the 60 mpgs. It all depends on the temp when I fill up and the bladder. I still love my Prius
My worst was 34mpg but my best is only 40.4mpg. All you guys are lucky to live away from Alaska and all it's coldness. The 34mpg was during the 2 weeks of below zero temps we had. I am a proud prius owner though because my last vehicle only got 12mpg (highway).
My worst was 40mpg. I left Camarillo CA (sea level) drove up highway 5 over the "grape vine" which hits about 4,000 feet, then down into the central valley. I was doing about 75mph most of the time. Outside temp was likely about 60 average. We typically average about 48mpg, best tank being about 62. The lowest tank other than that was 43, all the rest were over 45. We have 32K miles after 13 months on a 2008.
Just read through this entire thread, and can perhaps count myself among the "blessed" ... Worst mileage so far for a "tank" is 38.2 mpg / 249 miles ... during the coldest January Lafayette has seen in 23 years AND having to jump-start our other car at least six (?) times. No EBH ( garage parked only ) ... no blocking ... 38 front / 36 rear .... Had two other "tanks" in the 39 mpg range, but most of our other tanks have been over 45 ....
I am so bummed with my mileage the past 4 months or so. I've never had less than 45 mpg (I have a 2004) and usually have 50 mpg..until recently. Could it be that I replaced my tires with snow tires? Perhaps God is getting back at me for all the bragging I've done! E.g., when my mother & went to NC (we are in the northern parts of Ohio), I got 75 mpg all the way home!! City driving is always around 60-65..and now to only get between 39 and 40?? Could it be my battery is getting low??? Please help me!!!