New Prius will not start

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion' started by VicVicVic, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. This is and was a long continuing problem with all the Prii sold with the exception of the PIP. Toyota very much knows of thier puny battery problem and Solved it with the PIP. HOW? ...........Everytime the EV/HV batteries are charged...the 12 volt is also charged. Ingenious. So, you see, they knew. And they found a sensible fix.
  2. There are several solutions for your problem, replace with a known good battery, be able to do battery self check on MFD, disconnect door lights , buy a trickle charger, use it daily, install a battery disconnect switch, remove trunk light, never leave the interior lights on automatic. Buy a multi-meter.
  3. WE0H

    WE0H Senior Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I noticed my battery voltage was 11.3v after my car sat 3 weeks since I last drove it. This was the voltage shown on my ScanGauge II. It charged back up to 14.2v after a couple drives in two days in a row. I'd say there is no way the 14v battery would survive putting the Prius in storage over the winter. It's gonna need a battery maintainer for sure.

  4. mickeydawson

    mickeydawson New Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    2010 Prius
    I concur with all the other posts. My Prius has been left standing for 3 weeks while on holiday. What a load of tosh about starting the car every 4 days. If my car was dead when I arrived back from holiday at the airport after 2 weeks (assuming the battery was fully charged) I would not be happy. Now all that said my wife has a RAV4 that we use infrequently now becasue she does not drive to work anymore but wishes to keep the car. Anyway it stands for 4 weeks sometimes without driving and its fine. Basically its all about current drain vs battery capacity and re RAV situation I found that by measuring the current drain upon activating the alarm the time to dead would have been approx 3 weeks. So I now just lock the doors manually not activate the alarm and its current drain is significantly less without the alarm active. However the Prius I beleive does not have this capability i.e lock = alarm monitoring /sensors active = current drain. But all that said mine lasts 3 weeks at least I suspect a battery that has been deep discharged and is now damaged as you cannot deep discharge the battery and not damage its future capacity. Just get a new battery it will be fine I am sure.