Maybe if you replaced it.... Can you change the color of your cold cathod flourescent display of your alarm clock?
Never stared at it for more than a few seconds so never cared. I just think the white looks better, easier on the eyes. Check John's website out, "prius photos" and photo album 67. See what you think.
Hi Joe, Welcome. I picked my 2005 up a week ago today. I traded my 2003 Camry (my fourth Camry) on it and I love the Prius as much as every other Toyota I owned over the years -- the fit and finish as wel as reliability can't be beat. All of what you note is true -- the car is incredibly well appointed and a beautiful ride. It does indeed have "what it takes" for the open road and has that tight little suspension for sport-car like maneuvering in-town. I think it's terrific. Check out the Prius shop here on the site for many useful accessories and the posts of long-timers here (I'm brand new too) for good advice. Happy driving. Best, Howard Cleveland
[font=Comic Sans MS:d88533f799] If you look closely, the speedo is reflected. So if you got a small sheet of theatrical gel color, and cut it to fit, and laid it on top of the real display (not the reflection you look at), I think you could change the color to just about anything you wanted. This would not affect the color of the indicators, like AC and Cruise. Maybe some company makes a color tint film that you could apply to the face of the indicator display. Or just learn to love it.[/font:d88533f799]
That's what I was thinking... Heck, I think simply a piece of lightly colored cellophane would do. I like mine the way it is, it reminds me of an old hand held video game I had back in '85 called "Scramble"...
Sure, whatever you can change aqua (cyan) to using filters. Cyan is blue and green, so you'd not get too much red from it.
[font=Comic Sans MS:065ae75b60] The color of the cold cathode flourescent display is closer to white than to cyan, and, as I'm sure you know, white light contains all colors (frequencies) so you should be able to filter to remove any color you don't want to see. Is your speedo really cyan?[/font:065ae75b60]
Cold cathod flurescent always looks blue to me, that's why they use blue filters to make it darker blue. Granted it is a high intensity blue without filters, but still blue. The tint (intensity aside) looks cyan (the color you displayed) to me, though maybe a bit on the cyan side.
[font=Comic Sans MS:e1070fb625]I don't quite understand "cyan (the color you displayed) to me, though maybe a bit on the cyan side." More cyan than pure G+B? I'll grant you that the color gamut of a cold-cathode flourescent isn't the same as a CRT or LCD, but the color I showed is as cyan as any computer display can make it. I can see my speedo while wearing "blue blocker" sunglasses. I can see it through a red "night vision" filter. Without a colorimiter reading of the display, we can't be sure of its spectral balance, but it seems to have components of all three primary light colors.[/font:e1070fb625]