The gauge was going from 7 to 8 bars in a blue/green color, not the white that was showing before. It drops a bar if I drive it around the neighborhood now for more than few miles, but regains it when I'm out on the bigger roads at higher speeds, it seems to regain it faster if I do a lot of coasting. Sorry but I don't own a digital camera and I'm not wasting a roll of film and $20 just to post a pic of my car on here. Its a black 2005 Prius that looks like it came off the showroom floor. It has a dark gray or black interior but the top two sides of the dash are sort of red or brown looking, JBL stereo, alarm, and HID headlamps. The vin for those you absolutely seem to need it is JTDKB20U8531***** The wheels are aluminum with 6 spokes. The GPS system works via voice but it seems to have trouble with my voice, it gets directions wrong most of the time. I have to keep repeating what I said to it. I always seem to have trouble with just about all voice recognition software even on my computer or on the telephone. The sound system sounds pretty good too, far better than anything else I own.
[QUOissue E="usnavystgc, post: 2423179, member: 78814"]What is the issue with sending out the whole VIN?[/QUOTE] Troll roll of film 20.00 but can buy all these cars no one he knows has a android or I phone ???partail vin me thinks The issue is he tell a bogus story .has money to buy cars but can post pic or full vin troll
I guess you never heard of sites like eVerify have you. About three bucks and any personally associated number and you have any bit of info you want on someone. Now why would you need that? A VIN number, or license number, or any number registered or assigned to any individual can be used to locate or find all sort of personal info. In this case it would ID the location of the original owner. That is not going to happen, sorry. I've also lived my whole life without a digital camera, I don't see any reason to buy one now just to take a picture of a car.
Right. In FL, for example, daytime temperatures have been above 90 for the past 4 months. This has cost my mileage dearly, as the A/C runs constantly. Especially if you are in congested stop and go areas, the AC will eat up the battery's residual charge quickly, forcing the engine to kick on from every start. I imagine it is much the same up north during wintertime. Cold all winter and the car must be heated unless you're dressed like an eskimo. I think the only areas that have the prime temperature range that you speak of, 50-80F, are places like central/coastal california, or hawaii. Where the land is temperature controlled by the pacific ocean and insulated by the mountains. These places are indeed the minority.
Don't worry about trolllew, the pot calling the kettle black if you ask me. I don't take any notice, usually can't make sense of his posts anyway. That is interesting. The top two bars are green; bars 3-6 are blue; bars 1 & 2 are purple (some say red). it really should be hovering around the bar 6 region +/- a bar in flat easy driving. Maybe the battery monitoring is going through a calibration process. That is exactly what I was saying. Even by your own admission, FL is not hot all the time. Even though it is your experience these last 4 months, you cannot make a blanket statement like using the AC badly impacts MPGs. I was trying to bring balance. You'd be surprised how many temperate climates there are in the world.
[QUOTE="dolj, post: 2423414, member: 91627"That is exactly what I was saying. Even by your own admission, FL is not hot all the time. Even though it is your experience these last 4 months, you cannot make a blanket statement like using the AC badly impacts MPGs. I was trying to bring balance.[/QUOTE] Right. And you are correct. I wasn't attempting to make a rash generalization of climates. I can tell you however, that the overly warm and humid climate we experience in FL, is applicable to many climates in terms of energy usage. My mpg goes up as the temperature goes down, which may be the case until it becomes cold enough to require minimal heat in FL.
Looking at this whole thread I would take it for a 1-2 hour drive at medium speeds... 45-65 MPH... See how it does..I'd probably drive it 60 miles or so but sounds like you've done a good bit. I'd say drive it otherwise. Outside of the very beginning it seems the battery has woken up.
So what would being out of state matter? There is really just no way to know of guarantee that this car is ready for the road but there is also no real reason to claim that its not. Sounds to me like opinions are mixed about it and there is a steady supply of service centers between N.J and Fl. so he rolls the dice and takes his chances if thats what he wants to do,again just like any of us making the trip anytime.
I just don't agree with you. The O.P. has no resources really where he is with the car now and that is about the same as driving it to Florida. So far what I have read,he asked for help but seems determined to not follow it at the same time. The condition of the car sounds like it is following a decent path according to the replies of the owner and I am not sure what would change if he waits and does not drive the car while he is away in Florida. I would not try it at this point but.........he seems pretty determined to anyway. I would take it to a repair place that I already trust to give me a realistic hands-on report of the car as they see it and heed their advice on what to do next but I also have a dealer as a client and do trade work with them and do trust them already.
sell it OP . I hate to see a Prius not driven and sit for months and since you have 19 cars it won't get driven much.
The car is basically a new car mechanically, just the battery is questionable. And since this is a hybrid, a failed battery will disable your car.....thousands of miles from home Then you have to sell it or fix it. Away from home, no trusted mechanic. I would hate to be in that situation