Hey, fraser, Don't bother look'g in your Prius for that sunglass mirror you think you missed. If you go back to post #21, you'll see that the poster had been look'g at a 2007 Honda CRV which was equiped that way. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Car sales is often a high turnover job. Unless a salesperson has demo driving privileges, you will often see them driving a cheap car, perhaps one that was traded in for pennies. As for the compartment in hatch at left, I use it for open alcohol and similar things that are not legal in my hands or in the passenger compartment while driving. I don't really drink but my friends do.
ah ha. thats what i'll use that compartment for. out to the garage to put the mat in there now... plus a pair of work gloves - i'm always hauling stuff for the garden. thx dixie.
Keep in mind that the prius can't jump other cars (well, it sorta can, by letting the other car's battery "charge" up) Do not leave the cords connected when the other guy cranks it... Also, be extremely careful when jumping the prius... can be a VERY costly mistake if you jump it backwards.
Thanks 6 months old and just found that bad boy yesterday. Under the cup holder I would have never looked there.:second:
Thanks to you I found the slot in the glove compartment too. Took me a few tries - you can barely see it - but I found it. The inside of my glove box is carpeted - my dh's isn't, and I ran out there when he got home to show him too - he already knew about it and thought I was nuts.
ROTFL! After almost 8.5 years of owning the Prīus, I learn something new. We'd been keeping the literature in the center console.
Awesome, I just discovered the spot under my cup holders thanks to this thread. Great place for stashing valuables and my Springfield XDs fits in there perfectly
Good to know! I knew about the spot in the glove box, the same day I bought my Prius I had already been researching on installing integrated Sirius radio to the factory stereo and thats a common spot to install the modules.... So that was no surprise. What was a surprise to me was all the storage under the trunk floor, score! Another surprise, it took me a good 2 weeks to figure out that I could toggle screens on the LCD with the "info" button on the steering wheel. I had been touching the screen to toggle it. Im still trying to figure out all of the voice commands for the nav/radio/climate though
Ah, I was interpreting it as plural, as in "more than one XD". I just read the review in the January issue of AR.