I have to be honest, the shingles shot side effects are causing a procrastination... I've saying I'll get it for the past 2 yrs...yikes. Maybe begining of November
We were worried about it, too, but too many of our family and friends have battles shingles so we really didn't want that. My brother-in-law caught it on the side of his face and neck....very painful that lasted almost a month. The shots really aren't that bad...just take some Motrin to help with the arm pain and you'll be a bit more tired for a day or two. I'm still working so got them on a Friday so I had the weekend to act sicker than I actually was to get maximum sports-watching in!
I'd heard so much about the Shingrix side-effects that when I finally got it, I was like "oh, is that all?" The thing you really don't want? Shingles.
My late wife and I were polar opposites about driving. We both knew the speed limit but she thought it was the minimum and too slow. Her favorite complaint, "You let a TRIUCK pass us!" Bob Wilson
if you read up about shingles and possible complications vs side effects of the shots, you'll be in line for the shots tomorrow
I'm with Holly...... The interstate system, western geography and traffic densities, and the human lifespan all point to the fact that speed limits are like the minimum wage..... I can understand that those unfortunates who choose to live in the densely populated alabaster wastelands along America's crust have to learn to drive 'differently' but.......is that REALLY 'livin?'
As mentioned, I had the shingles vax and no big deal. But to move on to Chicken Pox, whooping cough and all the other vax-s.... Wifey did the chicken pox party thing with both our kids when they were about 10 and eight? For those wondering, you hear about a child that has the pox and then you and a bunch of other strange moms go over and have a party. Everyone gets infected at the same time. Now, I was not exactly fine about it, but... And now a big BUT, our kids were vaxed against whooping cough. One day one of them comes down with a cough that sounds like whooping cough (I had it when I was a kid), then the second kid has it. To the doctor who steadfastly denied they had whooping cough, because they had been vaxed. I knew he was wrong, but I wasn't going doctor shopping. Few months later see a news story about an epidemic of whooping cough in Seattle. As whooping cough grows, study finds vaccine wanes | The Seattle Times Growing up, I had only two vaccines,,,,remember going to the local park and standing in a long line when I was very young to get sugar cube for polio. When I was 12 or so, had an outbreak of diphtheria at my junior high. They made us all get vaxed. Rest of them, I caught them all. Measles (both kinds), whooping cough, mumps, chicken pox, etc. I assume it was good for my system, but I remember two of the diseases "red measles" maybe and mumps, I ran very high fevers and was hallucinating. I think I was lucky to get out of those alive or without serious after-effects. Parents had no heath insurance and we never went to the doctor, but, hey, I survived.
Wonder if that could be because now more of the military sign up crew approve long flowing hair & trans issues & thus fewer & fewer regular recruits sign up .... & thus there are less joining the military. https://www.army.mil/article/247785/change_to_policy_allows_transgender_soldiers_to_serve_openly probably not .
^ This Me cleaning up duplicate posts is nothing compared to what other admins and mods on other forums have to do. You guys are great!
IYKYK. Boot camp shots are just the down payment! If you go places and do things afterwards, your shot card gets filled up quickly. There's a REASON why modern militaries are into vaccines! WWI helped spread the 'Spanish Flu' which in a fair and just world should have been called the "Ft Riley, KS Flu." and STILL It was one of the first conflicts where we managed to kill each other more effectively than the accompanying diseases did. One of our 'sister' companies in boot camp (Orlando, FL) got set back a week because an 'occurrence' during innoculations sickened most of those kids, and even in 2023, and EVEN after the Covid vax drama, one of the faster ways to be Ad-Sep'd from the military is to refuse a flu shot.
Just two? Not even smallpox, leaving that scar on the arm that most of us received? I received a lot more than just two vaccinations. That sugar cube for polio was my second polio vaxx, the first was a shot. Though I was too young to remember the first, so remember only that sugar cube. I remember a particular vaccination in second grade, don't know what it was for, but they were re-using the needle and syringe, sterilizing it in a candle flame between students. I don't think it cooled enough before sticking me, thus adding to my fear of needles. I caught most of them, though believe I also later received vaccines for all of them (except chicken pox, developed long after my time). I can name classmates who didn't survive, thought they were for reasons other than doctor access.
No smallpox for me...either vax or real disease. Where I grew up there were several kids that did not make past 10th grade. It was either gang activity or disease. Most were gang. My older brother, most were Vietnam. Of course the vietnam deaths were a bit past 10th grade. It was kind of a real nightmare, literally going to bed each night and thinking about your number coming up and being sent to 'Nam
Yes, I was able to deploy to anywhere in the world for a number of years so was a human pin-cushion...even had the infamous gamma globulin shots (the size of golf balls on the top of your buttocks) I'm thankful we never got the new mRNA jabs, though...those things are just scary and we are sorry we got the first two Pfizer covid jabs...never getting any mRNA jabs ever again after learning about them....people like "Dr." Fauci really should be in jail.