I for one would like a stand alone unit simply because I do not own a smartphone nor am I interested in getting one and pay the internet fees, so THANK YOU pEEf for your upcoming scan. Kammsss if interested there is talk about a smartphone app here on pc: http://priuschat.com/forums/priusch...uncing-priuschat-obdii-phone-app-project.html
Thanks pEEf for all your work on this intuitive project. I have run SG on both genI and genII Prius, as well as AE software and enhanced interface., ok for monitoring soc, bta, btv clearing dtc etc..They all have their bugs of course and some are more useful than others etc. But this breaks the door wide open for genII and III and beyond. Are you just using the programming software that came with the controller eval pcb? or something else.. is it hard for someone to change the feilds data? I'm more into hardware and rf here so not much time on c, c++ softwares etc. Great work man.. count me in too when you have time. Eagerly awaiting further developments.
I'm using Torque on my Droid X. It talks via bluetooth to a cheap Elm327 OBDII dongle I bough on amazon. It has a layout editor where you can create screens, drag and drop dials, digital displays graphs, etc. You can configure the widgets with alarms. It's integrated with the 3 axis acceleromter and GPS. Can read and reset trouble codes. It's pretty cool. The bluetooth dongle on Amazon was $50, although you can get cheaper versions there and on ebay for $35 or so. The main reason I got was so I could monitor engine RPMs for more efficint P & G technique on on the freeway.
It's been almost a month since the last post, are you ready for me to beta test this bad boy for you??
Hi pEEf, Just curious how close things are getting to be able to purchase? Like some of the other posters here, I was thinking of a scangauge, but looking at what you've developed, I'd like to go with yours. But if we're still 6 months+ off from being able to buy, I may break down and buy a used scangauge to help me get going. Just bought a used '05 Prius about 3 weeks ago and I'm anxious to try some of the methods, etc. people have been using. Norris
i want one too, and i have no idea how long these things take, so don't get me wrong, but peef's last post was 7 weeks ago...
+1 on this idea. Esp if we can select the input parameter. Like ICE or MG rpm, or throttle position. I would love it if can monitor trip max temperatures for ICE coolant, since that would be useful for grill blocking. Or, note whether the ICE or inverter cooling fans have kicked in. I have a GenIII and a SGII, so would love to help out with this.
For those of is interested in FE it would be really good to be able to track kW, RPM, iMPG, elevation and speed in one place. For example here this app uses GPS signal to track speed and elevation We need both OBDII information and satelite information in one graph.
The absolute air pressure is available on OBD. So the elevation can be calculated at least as well as a barometer.
Put me on the list also. I have a 2011 gen III and have been patiently reading this thread and waiting.
The air pressure from 7e0 21 33 has very low resolution (steps of 1 kPa ---> steps of about 100 meters or 300 feet) so this one would not be very useful unless we are in big mountains. Is there another higher resolution air pressure reading available from the OBD? For the GPS elevation reading, how accurate is it? My low end GPS does not seem very accurate at all. I bought a GPS receiver with a USB cable that connects to the PC but haven't played with it much yet.
Well, there's always the TPMS pressures, but they're 1/3 the resolution... The GPS elevation readings on my Garmin Forerunner 305 vary over a range of at least 100 feet while standing still. More advanced units with WAAS are supposed to have 5X better accuracy. The fine print says "95% of the time". There are also units that use barometric pressure to smooth out the varying GPS readings. So it looks like 100 foot resolution is the state of the art for current consumer grade systems.
Any more info on this? It has been several weeks since the last update. I just checked and it has actually been over 2 months.
peef has been busy with leaf chargers. but he hasn't forgotten us. he's just creating some pent up demand.