I wish! In the 2020 Prime's you can talk to Alexa in the car, but Alexa can't talk to your car from an Alexa device. This requires Toyota Remote Connect which is unfortunately absent from 2020 models . She can play Pandora however, which is about the only thing I use her for
Well... I mean it would work like any other remote starter would. It wouldn't be much different from the key fob. It doesn't actually allow you to drive it, it turns off when you open the door.
I would assume but the boy is jealous .... LOL and he would do it just as a prank. I am discovering a lot about this car. One thing that I cant seem to get to work or find is the Prius prime apps. I guess that involves the entune
The Prius Prime apps are not available on the 2020 model. Entune is strictly for phone functionality in car. It is really lame.
ok well if that is the case then I will just stick with my apple car play. The only thing I really wanted was the charge controller
I'm not sure that counts as listening. It's more like ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away. It's not like they ditched entune in favor of something better, they kept the phone integration and just took away the useful apps.
And that can be very dangerous. Once a wire broke (I think inverter-related, but I'm not sure) in my gen. 2, probably due to rodents, and I don't remember if the big triangle lit up or if the car turned off. What I'm sure is that brakes didn't work anymore or, actually, they worked with the mechanical force of my foot only, so, 1-5% of normal braking force, let's say. If I recall correctly, P wasn't working either, while I didn't think about using the 'hand'-brake. Thankfully I was in a parking lot and it happened as I was leaving it, so I managed to stop the car before reaching the road. After that I could turn on the car a few times with the same outcome, and then the car died completely, it wasn't possible to turn it on again. I was really surprised and, to be honest, also a bit disappointed, for the lack of a redundant brake system, or at least a robust protection of all components that relate to the brake system. I imagine cost concerns but I really believe such things should be default in all cars, I would for sure want to include them if being among the engineers that create the vehicle, and I would even pay for them as customer. Brakes should always work, period.
Totally agreed... brakes are brakes and they should work period. This happened to my wife when she was driving it. The car just would not turn on anymore. The dash was a Christmas tree and we had it towed. That is why we found out it had rodent damage after they took pictures and showed it to me
I keep 2 or 3 mouse traps in my garage, just in case. I've had them baited since I found the mouse nest in my cabin air filter on the 2004. Caught a few of the critters, but not enough to be worried about wire damage. Hopefully I continue to get them before they get me.
Yeah this was actually sold to us with the wire damage. The dealership pulled out three dead critters that were well over two years old on it. Let’s just say the price to fix the damage was enough to put down a healthy down payment lol
That's insane. I can't imagine how that must have felt being told whatever they quoted you. I find it odd how easy it is for rodents (and other such critters) to access the internals of the car. We took my 2010 Prius camping once and a mouse would break in to steal camp food we thought was secured away. I've also read stories about large spider nests causing the fuel pump to not recognize when it is full correctly. The horrors.
Well it just affirmed my belief that I had an issue with the car. It was not with out its problems but it should have been found at the time of purchase. It worked out for the best since we now have a way better car that’s brand new and wonderful