do not know, Andy. Takes some digging to find much on gen II rear drums. A good deal on how to make em into disks. But as far as I know, these shoes are original after (now) 260,000 miles. I'm not gonna argue or upgrade that bit of incredible success. It is out there and here but certainly not prevalent. I find this comforting. But almost everything you Google about Gen II's, the first couple of suggested links are to Man! That thing is awesome. Really made the old girl look like new. Well worth the $ and I highly recommend it or any like it.
Normally, when it's tight, you just have to push the shoes in more into the piston. Could be they need some cleaning and lube at the mechanical portions. Home Depot has a good product called blaster, a penetrating lubricant. Iv done them on other cars, but none of my Prii.
Awesome, Andy. Gonna try that, TY. Think I was tired and a lil intimidated given the horror stories of failed attempts at DIY'ing. A buddy just called who is an actual mechanic and said he would give me a hand. He just did the rear brakes on his son's 2007 and he said it was an easy job. So fingers crossed and looking forward to winning. ( I got really POed and frustrated) Seriously, it's drum brakes. Not supposed to be that hard. I say shaking my head at myself. A buddy of mine helped me with the (now saga) rear brake shoes. We did nothing different and started with the side I tried to get the shoes on. Not a bit of trouble. The drum slipped on like nothing and just as preaty as you please. Get to the untouched side and same problem. Drum will not go over new shoes. Before I could stop hime, he quick bled the line! LoL. I am thinking "all good. I have AAA for the flat-bed tow to the dealer and have a virgin credit card for the repairs... Mess with it for awhile and great joy! Drum slides on. So I hop in to see what Christmas tree my dash board is going to resemble. The only new light to turn on is the "READY" light. It has not been illuminated since day one. And now it is on. (was gonna ask you fine folks when I gothome this morning, what it meant. But looked it up this morning) Drive the car aroundtheparking lot a ewtimesandeverything is fine. Infact, it is braking smoother! (I sandedthe drums/de-ridged) Aside from the worrisome "ready" light, all seems well. I Uber/Lyft for 12 hrs and the thing gets better MPG!!!! I am no wrench but we some how swapped the brake shoes, bled the brakes ad fixed a preexisting problem that Istill have no clue about! LOL Just to dang funny. All with out the dealer and Das Super Computer. Oh Andy! You were right and pushing em together helped big time. Thanks again!
Still getting better and great MPG after brake job. Really do not know. Was odd. All along I have been getting btter MPG on the hw than city. Even my car is eccentric.
Watch your pedal level, that it remains high and brakes not spongy, keep brake reservoir full. Bleeding brakes on a Prius is not recommended because it requires a special machine that only the dealer has. Maybe you got lucky.
Yes Sir-ie buddy. Still have smoother braking, better MPG and proper dash lights. (the ready light now lights) do not know but all's well and even better than pre-brake job.
Don't forget that the brake job includes lubing the long bolts that allow the caliber to move. If the caliber loses its ability to move, it can affect gas mileage.
Not true, there is no "special machine". What you are thinking of is the dealer diagnostic software called Techstream. This has a procedures section for doing such things as bleeding the brakes. Brakes can be serviced without Techstream, as long as you follow all the precautionary safety procedures, one of which is removing the 12 V supply to the car before starting. There are many posts on how to do it without Techstream.
I am honestly beginning to wonder. I have not changed the aluminum washer in the last 3 oil changes,or disconnected the battery doing the rear brake job. And when I did the brake job, there was lots of meat left even though the super computer said it was necessary. And just how does a washer go bad? Not in anyway advice but I am gonna start or continue to follow wrench rules and avoid dealership advices.
It is a crush washer that is designed to flatten when tightened to the correct torque. You can probably reuse it several times, but eventually when it is crushed flat it looses its ability to seal. Just replace it when you think you need to, but at $1.00 each, its not going to break the bank to replace it every time.
Out of interest, what super computer? And what did it say that lead you to believe the brake pads needed replacing?
It was a printout at a dealership. The diagram with the drivetrain flagged the rear brakes as having less than a MM of meat on the shoes. I didn't measure and one spot on them was close to that by eye. I requested a sort of safety check. If I can find it, I'll will post a picture. But there and consistently with auto parts places with readers, the ABS read as needing maint. Really good point. I only tried to buy one, once and that store would only sell me it with plug/bolt. So a grand 2$ some thing but ya still make a valid point. Can you suggest where you can buy just the washer?
Honestly, Andy an' I do not know. But never had a car that it was recommended replacing the plug washer. Aside from being a closeted tree hugger, bunny lover, seems wasteful. I in no way mean any disrespect to anyone doing it as suggested. And for Goods sake! you no do wut I does do. But I hand tighten until it's as tight as finger tight can be. Then I crank it probably until it's not to close to stripping threads. Just what I do and I hope no one thinks of this as advice. I greatly value the advice and information you folks have so kindly taken the time to offer.
Toyota parts counter. They sell it to me together with the filter. It is part no 90430-12031. Or, for a bit cheaper you can buy 20 for $15.50 from Daytona Toyota on Amazing Marketplace. I saw another ad with the same for $12.00 for 20.
There are special drain plug adaptors that one can buy where you litterally just flip open the plug and re-plug it.
That is purty cool, Montgomery! Thanks for posting Har! Sadly, I thought of smuggling opportunities and my younger years. wut? snork ----------------------------------------- Sort of related. My partner and best Bud Carol asked if I would change her oil or if I had time to take her PT Cruiser for an oil change. I said it would be fun if she and I did it together so she could do it next time.. She is great at stuff like turning wrenches and/or tech stuff. She got all excited. She was raised in a conservative, traditional kind of home and girl folk don't really do things like oil changes. But was a blast! And she did awesome. (I knew she would) When we got done, she asked or mentioned "that's it?" More to herself. It was just a really fun 20 minutes with my best Bud.
Don't have paperwork in front of me, but when I got my oil filter from the parts counter they offered buy 3 get one free. He threw the washers in for free. Total was under $15. Works out to under $3.75 after tax for OEM filter and washer. Great deal in my book.