With mine, a trip thru the auto car wash is done once or twice a quarter. I have the luxury of either a drive thru auto or a drive up auto car wash. The difference being the drive up, an attendant takes over at the wash bay. In the drive thru, even with AC on, I've only ever noticed about a 10% drop in battery percent. I just make sure the battery is as charged as possible to start out the wash.
I got the Prius V5 used, the previous owner LOVED HER dearly. Maintained and keep her clean to perfection. I don't think this guy cheated on her once, not to mention, her insides were LOVED.
Still doesn't decipher how you came up with it's sex. I did have one car that I loved..... sure wasn't a prius........... 66 Chevelle SS 454
Funny story. A friend of mine who had a Jeep Cherokee came in to work one day and asked "What is the worst possible time for you power windows to quit working?" I looked at him puzzled. He said "I typed in my code at a drive-thru car wash and then when I pressed the up button to raise my window, Nothing". He kept pressing on the button until the foam spray started soaking him. That wasn't as big a problem as the spinning brush hitting him in the face." He said he put the car in gear and sped out of the tunnel. He wasn't sure if he damaged anything in the wash.