Thanks, and you're absolutely right. Plus, I don't really put a lot of time into posts. I was never one for being "delicate"... h34r:
Mystery Squid, Thanks for the thoughts and wishes. Her diagnosis is pancreatic cancer. When I was in medical school 20 years ago her prognosis was non existant. 9 months at most. She is 15 months into her diagnosis. We had hoped for a cure in a phase 3 trial. That has not worked out but so far we are still controlling her cancer. Unfortunately, control is never cure... or even perfect. So we enjoy the time we have left together. As I said before. In regards to 'Always Taking Time to Enjoy Life' I agree with you. There is no better object than this. J
MS, you're wrong here and the Doc is right. What the Doc and I have that you don't, is "in your face" experience. He and I have had the blood on us, have smelled it, have seen it INCLUDING the aftermath (family and such) And just like I would risk my life for you or anyone in the course of my duties, to imply that the Doc would not be able to "do everything to help you" even if he knew who you not cool. ER Docs don't survive in ER very long if they can't adapt quickly.
Virginia codes § 46.2-852. Reckless driving; general rule. Irrespective of the maximum speeds permitted by law, any person who drives a vehicle on any highway recklessly or at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person shall be guilty of reckless driving. § 46.2-862. Exceeding speed limit. A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who drives a motor vehicle on the highways in the Commonwealth (i) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limit where the applicable speed limit is thirty miles per hour or less, (ii) at a speed of sixty miles per hour or more where the applicable maximum speed limit is thirty-five miles per hour, (iii) at a speed of twenty miles per hour or more in excess of the applicable maximum speed limits where the applicable maximum speed limit is forty miles per hour or more, or (iv) in excess of eighty miles per hour regardless of the applicable maximum speed limit. Ahhhh, there are a few caveats. Bur, effectively, it is correct. WATCH out in Virginia.
Again, in all fairness, I like to drive fast.....and I can do it legally quite often. I am a city cop, no interstates BUT, if I clock someone at 55 in a 35, I get to drive 75 just to catch up with him in a reasonable amount of time. Alos, robbery calls, injury crashes, things like that, I get to go as fast a I determine is reasonable. All that being is DANGEROUS, but it is required of me. Wanting to "let it all out" or "I'm just in a hurry" or "my mom was taken to the hospital" are not requirements. Hey Doc, one loneyly midnight shift I saw a Jag run a red light then disappear in a cloud of dust. I turned on it and it was.....GONE! Later, a ER doctor called dispatch, said he was called in for an emergency and saw a cop turn on him....wanted to know if the officer wanted to come and give him a ticket....MAN 'o MAN....the answer was NO!!!!!!!! ER Doc's get a pass in our city....never know when we will be wheeled in there. Oh, for all you gasping that this isn't "right". We have discretion and we are allowed to decide ticket or no ticket. The "pass" would only apply to minor offenses ...we don't give them passes for DUI or homocide,
There's definately a different tone to things when a 'boy in blue' or a fire-fighter hits the door. I guess it's just one of those things about being in the same boat--on the front end of so much craziness that the general public just doesn't/can't comprehend. It's odd, to me, that in some cities there's a lot of anamosity b/w cops and ER folks...I don't get it. For the most part everywhere I've worked there was a lot of mutual respect given that we encounter one another on a relatively regular basis. I gave MS a 'pass' on the "If I was in your ER" comments. It's not worth a battle. I'm a darn good ER doc and I trained in one of the busiest toughest ERs in the country. I can take care of myself with a lot tougher personalites than his. A (hopefully) final comment on this thread directed toward MS. On the issue of 'growing up'. I'm not sure who his role models are for someone who's 'grown up', but it certainly doesn't fit the end-of-life scenario he described for me. I still live to suck the marrow from life. I 'suck it' from different places and different ways than I did when I was 27 now, but it's no less thrilling and pleasurable. I've backpacked for month in Europe on $2500 including all expenses. I've backpacked, with my wife, for 6 weeks in South America. I've climbed mountains, camped in snow caves on -20 nights in Alaska, I earned my pilots license. And I had kids. I save someone's life on a regular basis. Is there down-time that's boring and mundane? Sure. Do I get sick of going to work? You bet. But as part of 'growing up' you accept that there'll be some delayed gratification. Do I run the risk of not waking up tomorrow or getting killed on the way to work tonight--sure. But I moderate the risks when possible don't compromise the pleasures and thrills of life to avoid it completely. I intend to retire at 55--with an eye on forign travel, medical mission work, and looking at other challenges--becoming a chef, professional photography, resuming my flying....and who knows what else....maybe I'll buy a Harley for my mid-life crisis! Anyway, my 'grown up' reality is a far cry from your 'grown up' nightmare scenario.
You just can't quit with the thinly veiled insults can you doc? Someone of your supposed caliber should have just ignored my posts completely. Thanks for playing along though...
There were no thinly veiled insults in there at all and I honestly apologize if you saw some. You took a huge swipe at something that is the core of me suggesting that I might be something less than an excellent ER doctor b/c of what you perceive as my being closed minded. I'm simply saying that those kinds of insults don't affect me, I've hear and dealt with a lot worse. I chose not to attack you for that and I still won't. You come to my ER I'll let you choose who you want to take care of you...if you choose me you'll get the best care available, choose otherwise and take your chances--some are better, a lot are worse. And my 'supposed caliber' doesn't mean I have to stand idley by while you say stupid stuff. I've replied directly to the subject at hand with facts, data and personal annecdotes to support my positions. As to whether I should have ignored you or not, you probably have a good point--that just proves I'm not very smart. The intent of my previous post was to try to slip a little personal information to you, much like you recently shared, of how one can make assumptions about people and be completely wrong when those are based on some stereotyped perception derived from a little superfiscial information. Sorry that didn't come through. Trust me, if I want to insult you I won't veil them, thinly or otherwise...I'm always quite direct, blunt and honest--you can count on that. No insult of any kind was intended in my previous post.
The justice system is not perfect, and neither is law enforcement. In a sense, both are simply the best the state can do to act as a deterrent and to pick up the pieces afterward. They will not catch every criminal. They will not punish all who they catch, and they will not solve every crime. There's only so much that such an institution can do. Back to your argument, though... that the road is more dangerous than any of us realize, and that speed limits are just something that naive people like us cling to, and cause more harm than good... I see an inherent contradiction in what you're saying, however... about just the danger... Just thinking in terms of reaction distance and stopping distance... reaction time I would imagine would remain the same no matter what the speed, so the variables then would be speed and distance... At 128 MPH, just how far ahead could you see and react to a change in the road ahead to safely avoid an obstacle? Good judgment, and mad-skillz can only go so far before you run into the limit of human reaction time... compounded by the fact that the higher the speed, the more deadly a projectile you become... and you really have to stretch to argue that higher speeds are *safer*... But that's not the point you are trying to make. The point you are trying to make is that you feel that the law shouldn't apply to you *because* you have higher skill, better judgment, and are aware of the dangers of the road, far above your peers... And I don't disagree with you that you would probably be a much safer driver at 128 MPH than I would be at the same speed, and probably at any speed... but the law is NOT out there to make special cases for every individual. The case where the guy going 128MPH was not deemed reckless... the guy was not let off because the law determined that the guy was better than everyone else in terms of skill and deserved to drive 128MPH... the guy was let off because of there was no one around him except for the cop, and that didn't meet the law's narrow definition of reckless driving. So it doesn't make your case. It could have been the same driver, same speeds, same cop, and just out of sight of his visual range was a station wagon with a family in it, and the driver would have gone to jail... Skill has nothing to do with it.
This is the part where I get to intone some of the oldest and best advice on the internet: Stop feeding the troll. It's obvious, from watching this thread, that MS just likes to yank chains. It's also obvious that none of the well-said and good points made here will have any effect on him... so why bother, guys? Quit feeding the troll. What good is it doing you to wrangle with him? - Z
Squid's not a troll. One of the more colorful personalities on this site but not a troll. Did you read the exchange between slortz 'n squid earlier in this thread? I wouldn't characterize that as trolling. Obviously he rubs some people the wrong way but as Bill Merchant pointed out in another thread you can always ignore any particular user's posts. If you don't like reading what he has to say then block it. Personally, I don't block anyone's posts.
Indeed. It has a certain alien, haoleque quality about it. Took me a while to actually realise what it was a picture of.
Anyone else notice the Mercury SUV ad that popped up on this forum? I assume Priuschat has no control over what ads appear where on the website....but I thought it somewhat ironic.