I did, but I made sure before the sale that the salesman knew I wanted it. He 'made sure' that the 9.1 disk was in my car. Tony
Also, for what it's worth, the Prius 9.1 disk works perfectly well in the new Venza. At least my backup does. Tony
Thanks. I read post 63 as well as post 11 in this thread but found nothing that compared versions 8.1 and 9.1. Then I went to the Club Lexus forum that was referred to in post 63 and found nothing there either, other than Sewell prices. Which brings up a question. Why is Sewell involved at all? Isn't the Nav DVD one of the Toyota parts that goes into the Prius? I hope that Toyota will eventually offer some details on version 9.1. Otherwise it would be like "buying a pig in a poke". For you younger folks, buying a pig (live, not sliced) sight unseen was considered risky, and a "poke" is what we old geezers once called a paper bag. Jim
that's called, 'tempting fate' Most Dangerous Cities - Associated Content - Topic - associatedcontent.com We live in, and are surrounded by 2 of the top 10 safest cities in the nation ... but we still don't tempt fate. Thus, we don't leave temptations on the dash. I must have worked for the public defender too long hwell: btw, I believe the usb integrated / HD NAV being installed on the latest Gen III's this Fall will update via satellite ... and if so ... this should put an end to the hand wringing about the whole "update-DVD" issue. Only thing I can't tell is if it'll be tied to 'safety connect'. MSRP for that system and service will be $450 ... so that would be a bummer. Edit: Bahh! Re visited Danny's post & it looks like it's only for the Lexus ... for now: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-h...oyota-car-enabled-safety-connect-service.html .
Goto post 63 in this thread. Click on link in post 63. Goto post 11 in the linked page and you'll find a link to a PDF download. Click link and the PDF that opens gives a detailed description of the differences/improvements from 8.1 to 9.1. Toyota puts out the same disk for all nav systems. The only difference is that you have to get the version that matches your nav system, not car.
In case you're tempted to order from Sewell based on the linked thread, bear in mind that the DVD they're selling will NOT work in the Gen III's.
That's what I started doing with my Garmin. My "go to" website for GPS info is www.gpspassion.com forums. They are people just like us and will be talking about version 9.1 now.
There are FOUR DIFFERENT 9.1 DVD discs. You need the correct one for your specific Nav hardware. Sewell is only selling (at this point), the "gen2/3", the "gen4", and the "gen5" versions of the Nav DVD. We need the "gen6" version of the 9.1 NavDVD. The 2010 Prius Nav system is apparently a "gen 6" (technically, "-gen06") system, and the "gen5" and "gen4" versions of the 9.1 NavDVD will (presumably) not work with our 2010 (gen6) Nav hardware. If you do not know that the disc you are buying is "gen06" (apparently says 86271-73011 on the DVD), I suggest that you do not buy it. My version 8.1 "gen06" DVD says (part number )"86271-73010".
Thanks for the technical update on which disk to look for. I hope everyone that may be looking for disks outside of their dealer(like me) will read this post. --Mickey
I bought my III w/ NAV yesterday and it has 9.1. (I live in Los Angeles.) I was a bit surprised at detailed coverage maps ... why the gaps? So far so good ... but really, I have lived in So Cal for 25 years and learned to drive here, so I don't really need NAV. I am impressed with the NAV unit and the Text-to-Speech and lane guidance ... something my older TomTom does not have. Could be faster but that's the nature of the beast with DVD.
My Prius Nav is not working out for us. I'm thinking of having them remove the system and give us our money back. Every time we try to use it the voice system says, "Due to insufficient data, turn-by-turn navigation is not available in this area." The system will accept an address but can't take you there, which is the purpose of the nav in the first place. I have called Toyota to complain but have not heard a word. We recently took our Prius on vacation and ended up using our Garmin Nuvi, which worked like a charm. It has never once said it has insufficient data and can't get you where you want to go. We mounted it on the Prius Nav screen and never had a problem on the whole trip. I personally think that the Prius GPS is old an antiquated. I think it has software problems in addition to minimal amounts of memory. I think Toyota has to cut roads and cities just to make room to get it all onto two disks. It is not a data problem because Garmin and Toyota get their data from the same place. Here this little 4-inch Garmin Nuvi that you can hold in the palm of your hand and can hold hundreds of songs in addition to all the nav date works beautifully. On a scale of one to ten, I give the Prius nav system a one. It is not easy to use either. We were able to get hotels in the area 50 miles down the road off the Garmin in seconds and Prius nothing. I don't think it has enough memory to hold the software and the data is the problem. It might work fine in LA but here in Grants Pass, Oregon forget it. I don't think a software update is going to fix a memory problem. If Toyota is not going to provide data in all areas of the country the should tell us. They just did not build the system big enough, memory; to hold all the data so much of it has to be eliminated. Toyota, I for one want our money back! Your nav system is a piece of trash compared ot Garmin and you know it. You have a great car but a lousy navigation system. We have literally stopped using it and would love to have it work. Can you imagine a voice coming over the speaker saying, "Do to insufficient fuel data, you will have to get out and push your car from time-to-time.
CAR42, Do you have the 8.1 or the 9.1 NavDVD? Did you call your dealer, or Toyota? If Toyota, what number, please?
adrian, My ver 8.1 text-to-speech is marginal - very poorly enunciated and thus quite difficult to understand. I have not heard the 9.1 TTS. Maybe the 9.1 TTS has been fixed?
For some reason, it seems that Toyota did not put "100%" road coverage on the 9.1 NavDVD. Are their programmers so inexperienced that they cannot fit onto 8.5 GB what others fit into 2 GB? I agree that the limited-coverage makes the Prius Nav system useless just when you need it ... when you are traveling to "remote" or less populated areas. If I could return the Nav system, I would.