Really? You didn't say he was bashing the nav system? Then what did you mean by "When I see posts like these and many others bashing the Prius nav system..."? (Don't mean to pick a fight- just thought this was funny)
OK, here we go... let me clue you in since you insisted on this... let's take the definition of others in the dictionary: Other: being the one (as of two or more) remaining or not included The key word here is not included! I said many others are bashing the NAV. That does not necessarily include the OP subject, unless I specified: many otters, including you, are bashing... Fair enough?
Hello everyone, my name is Darrel and I just noticed someone mentioned the 9.1 navigation disc was available at Sewell. Well, I just happened to be familiar with the disc as I’m in their parts department. New DVD’s are available annually so it’s that time of year (September 1st) the new one is ready. Since our Lexus owners often have many of the same questions and concerns I’m reading on this thread, what I think should be considered before updating your navigation system is most drivers most drivers will not experience a significant mapping change with an Update. Just like most people do not change their regular maps every year, most people do not need to update the Navigation maps every year. Be mindful, the updated navigation discs provide intrinsic data only with increased digitized miles, navigable roads and points-of-interests (POI’s). Therefore, it’s what Jabber commented before “just a data upgrade†and certainly not a required purchase. The Navigation rebate Sewell offers is primarily directed to those Lexus owners who have purchased the previous year’s update who may want to “trade-in†their old disc. Those 8.1 discs receiving a rebate are for Generation 2, 3, 4 and 5 navigation equipped vehicles only and then reused primarily for their pre-owned department. I hope this helps. Darrel
I have to agree with the above post. In my '05 Prius navi I have only upgraded it once, '07. I saw no real difference. So if you upgrade to a newer version, every few years is probably sufficient enough for 99% of all users. I have found the portable users to be better, but I like having the built in nav- no fuss no muss and clean looking.
hmm. its questionable to charge for an upgrade of a 2010 vehicle for data, compiled and issued in 2009
And so do I. Further, it doesn't matter whether it is the Prius NAV DVD upgrades, or upgrades from Garmin or Tom Tom. Purchasing them every year is just not necessary.
well, i guess the real question is whether or not the 2010 nav NEEDS updating... below is a picture of Bailey St SE in Lacey, WA... as you can probably guess, its not been around for a huge amount of time. then is screen shot of Pri Nav... next is a picture (hopefully readable) of my phone display with VZ Navigator see a difference? ok. now on the Pri screen, across the top, you will see double dots which basically shows where i have driven before, as you might notice, there are no streets there either. (changing screen resolution makes no difference) that is Balustrade Blvd SE (not sure of spelling, but you can see how its spelled on the VZ Nav screen) Balustrade Blvd was built over 4 years ago. its easy for me to see why Bailey St. does not show up on the Pri Nav. the street was built just over a year ago. but, streets more than 4 years old??
Perturbed... Not at all I just think it is funny that someone like is going to make judgment call on something they have no first hand know-age of that's all :tape:Sorry I could not resist!:croc:
Even so they would have to rip off my Garmin 9 times before I'd get to $1800. Even then my 9th Garmin would have the latest features and newest maps. Of course if I had to replace a window each time I'd only get about 4.
Forget the NAV. You have to do something abut your Prius leaving all those damn dots everywhere you go. Stay away from my street.
Unfortunately, $200 for a map update in this day and age is a crime. Recent Garmin units can get LIFETIME updates for a one time fee of $120. Adding insult to injury, what the Prius navigation system really needs is a SOFTWARE update, not just the map data update. The UI is simply overly complex for obvious tasks and doesn't particularly represent graphics all that well (and I'm not talking aobut the overall lack of sharpness complaint). Just the photo comparison above reminds me of much better the graphics are on my little BlackBerry than the car's $1800 navigation (and sound) system.
Just thought I'd let those who care know that if you purchase the lifetime updates card through Amazon, it is considerably cheaper. I got mine for $94, and it was not through a reseller but from Amazon themselves, with free shipping. Usual disclaimer applies: not an employee or being compensated, just want to pass along some savings. The one-time update costs something like $75, so this is kind of a no-brainer.
Press the INFO-PHONE button, then press the Map Data icon. The version number will be displayed at the top of the screen.
Perhaps if the missing street had been reported to NAVTEQ (the map company for the Prius navigation) 4 years ago it might actually be on the 8.1 and/or 9.1 DVD's. I would recommed reporting it as a missing street, give it a few years and the Nav upgrade DVD should include it. I reported an error with the Nav system telling me to take the exit for Loop 1604 in San Antonio as "one-sixty-four". I haven't upgraded from the 5.1 it came with, so I'd be interested to jump in on the new 9.1 to see if it's finally been updated. Submit missing streets to NAVTEQ: NAVTEQ - NAVTEQ Map Reporter?
thanks for link. i will try it, but there are more than 3 dozen streets missing. i think i will cut and paste google maps into it if i can, they have all but the streets that were put in last year.
Anyone know the part # for the 9.1 DVD? Also, anyone heard about the 8.1 rebate being offered for the Prius? thanks