Cool. I never knew that; it works. But as soon as the map image appears, it begins to scroll toward the upper left. The Lockpick is pressing the missing "I Agree" button at the lower right corner, and the map thinks you're pressing there to scroll the map toward the southeast. I'm sure it stops in a few seconds when the Lockpick "lets go." No matter; even with my impatience, five seconds is fine.
Heh heh... makes sense that it reacts that way, since it is essentially just pressing where the button would be. Regarding the timeout, I was actually a bit disappointed when the I Agree button went away in lieu of a timed screen. That meant, I had to wait the 5 seconds, whereas before I could just tap the I Agree button and away we go. Needless to say, I was thrilled when someone pointed out this little find around these boards months ago (my apologies, I do not recall who that poster was...)
You might just phone Jesse at and order it from him. No need to know the part number; he'll know based on your model year. (I believe the MY2006 and later use the same DVD; it was only the earlier MFD that made the difference.)
I just got 8.1 for my 2005 Prius. I still get the "I Agree" screen with the button that stays there until I push it. Getting rid of "I Agree" was one of the things I was most looking forward to. Is there anything I have to do to get rid of it? When I installed the new DVD, I did get a screen that said System updating, do not turn off power. When that completed, it came up with the "I Agree" screen. Thanks if anyone can help me out.
So is the stupid 'I agree' thing back in ver8.1 after disappearing in ver7.1? Is the button in the right bottom corner so the Coastal Lockpick will still fix it?
Mine has the agree screen, but I don't have to hit a button or respond to it and it goes away in a few seconds.
Hi windstrings, the down side is you lost your override function, right? Check ebay ... there was one just a couple days ago, if it hasn't already sold. Seems it was for $200. good luck! (and kiss your override goodbye)
Humm.. the only button I remember is the one that allowed you to confirm what they were saying so the screen would go away... is that the button your talking about? If so, yes... its gone... It just shows me the warning and then goes away on its on now.
280328814935 That is Ebay item number for Gen. 4 Ver .07.1 for 04 and 05 Prius, analog, for Buy It Now of only $139.00 Not bad price, at all. I'm wondering, since Gen 5 Ver. .08.1 it out, and in the 09 Prius, is there a Ver .08.1 update for Gen 4. ? Anyone know?
Yes there is, check on eBay. I have seen both gen 4 & 5 for Ver 8.1, but am not sure if I want to upgrade if the 'agree' thing is back. It would be cheaper to upgrade my TomTom who now has a subscription going for updates every quarter for under a 'C' note per year.
Bought the one off Ebay for $275. Should get it today or tomorrow. Going to try and hybrid my loading.kwi into this Gen 4 Ver 8.1 and be able to still override. Emailed several local dealers for their prices. $265 plus tax, and 3 to 4 business days to get it. Yea I know the handhelds are cheaper. But I still like the bigger screen in the middle of the dash.
Success! Got Gen. 4 (analog) for 04 and 05 Prius (along with lots of other Toyota cars in that same year area) New Version .08.1 (or .8.1 as some put it) and then put my ver 4.1 loading.kwi file into a copy of it, and now have the latest roads, newest maps, and still have hidden menu with override in it. If anyone out there interested, you can private message me, or email at [email protected] I'm so happy.
It will be interesting to see if the hidden page "with over-ride" is a function of the disk "hardware", or the DVD "software". In other words... I wonder if you will find that by importing the old loading.kwi file merely allows you to view newer DVD map updates and versions while still having your overide function that you were able to achieve with the older disk too because you have a player that "allows" overide? Or when viewing under newer hardware "2006 and later" it won't let you regardless of what .kwi file is loaded on what disk? One easy way to find out would be to load an older disk that supports the "overide" function into a newer disk player and see if you still have overide? Or can you take a newer DVD and play it in an older unit and see if the overide function is then gone? I don't know enough about these things to say myself.... Do older disk players only support up to so high of a generation of software? and inversely, do the new players only play the newer stuff? It seems like any player should play it all. But I'm perplexed why the newer unit does not seem to be able to achieve the "overide" ability regardless of what software is running. If so, its a firmware issue with the newer units, regardless of what software is loaded. Monkeying with firmware could be a costly mistake to play with... provided you could even find it. A player is merly a player.... the firmware loaded within determines the mind of the beast.
I have a 2005 dvd nav can I update to the latest version or do I have a limit that I can update to. I am thinking maybe the megapixels wont work on the older dvd nav screen or it will be to slow now. bill
hello again. have learned so much during the last 3-weekends. To begin with, main thing to know is that there is 2-types of Nav units in these cars. First, for 2004 and 2005, it is an "analog" display (MFD), referred to as "Generation 4" navigation, for these years. In 2006, and onward, the display is "digital" (think flat screen TV computer monitor), referred to as Generation 5. So, the latest map version is 8.1. There will be 2-types of 8.1 at Toyota dealerships. They will ask what year is your car? There is Gen. 4, Ver 8.1. And there is Gen. 5, 8.1. From all I've read, both Gen. 4 and Gen 5, Version 5.1 was the last version that had the hidden override in it. And, swapping the loading.kwi into either a 6.1 for 7.1 seemed to have worked for a lot of people. Trying to swap this file in version 8.1 is not working, barely. Mine worked several times on a Friday afternoon, and again on Sat. morning. But that same Sat. afternoon, when heading out shopping, it stopped. You could see the maps, and could highlight override, and destination boxes did not gray out. But the keyboard would not come up. Burned several more coasters (Memorix and Verbatium), still no good. It's killing me to know, for a fact, it worked, at least 4 separate times, but stopped! Why? Oh well, put in the switch on the speed sensor. And then discovered if you take to long putting in destination, car gets lost. Takes 15 to 30 minutes before Satellite GPS puts car back where it should be. The gyro and sensor plays a big, big part in keeping car on map where it should be. Here's the strange part, about it all. I can make backup copies, and they work fine. Have made several, and tried them all. No problems. So, discs, software burner, and burner, itself, are not the problems, trying to make a hybrid disc with override. I've got both, digital Gen. 5, Ver 8.1, and analog Gen 4, Ver. 8.1 [email protected]