You really should get bitsetting firmware for your drive (and burn on +R) if you are using SL. The DVD-ROM drive will be more likely to accept the disc. Nate
here is 06 DVD that Wayne requested. It appears to be the same version 5.1 However, I am having problem posting it. it kept giving me server error.
Thanks, kinged! You may have already told us what we wanted to know in your text above. Did it have the same part numbers as the image I posted to this thread? If it did, the 2004/5 v5.1 is the same disk as the 2006 disk. That's what we are hoping. As to your server errors, I suspect all the excellent pictures you have uploaded of your 2006 have exceeded your space allocation. If true, you won't be able to upload any more images. However, you can upload them to another site, and then post that link here. Here's what you do: Go to Upload your image (browse, host it) You will get several links. You want the one under "Thumbnail for forums (1)". Copy that. Paste that link "as is" into the message you post here. That's it! Let us know about the PNs, or post the image. Thanks!!
Does the easter egg Override button work with 5.1? While I'd like 5.1 if that's what SSC-40J is giving us, I'd hate to lose the ability to override the speed lockouts. And my apologies if I'm being an idiot and reading the thread wrong, but do we yet know definitively what disc is being used now for people who are having 40J done?
mikepaul has another thread about the update -- so far there is no word on which disk will be supplied. It may be a dealer choice, hard to say at this point. His thread is here Interestingly, the software override does NOT appear to work on the '06, but it DOES work on the '05. Both are v5.1. Still waiting for confirmation from kinged that the disks are identical. So, in short, override does still work on the '04 and '05 with NAV DVD v5.1.
Well, you showed me something I didn't want to hear... The 2004/2005 v5.1 DVD is DIFFERENT than the 2006! Yikes... Whether I wanted to hear it or not, thank you very much for posting this!!!
I received my 40J, got V4.2. WAHHHHHHH! The dealer wouldn't let me walk away with the 4.2 without handing him the 3.2 first. But I am sure he was just covering his backside.
Awk! Sput!! Is there something I need to know about, here? Just bought my 2005 Prius yesterday! Something I need to request updated in the NAV system before the end of the month??? Thanks in advance!
No, you are fine -- all Prii manufactured since at least August have the highest rev disk, v5.1. This is for those who have gone before you.
I just purchased a Prius 2006, package #8. How do you eject the DVD from the unit under the driver's seat? I have pushed the button on the unit with the system on and with the system off. No DVD disc appears.
The technician I watched do this a few weeks back needed to have the driver's seat all the way forward for best access, and he had to lean on the button for a while to get the disk to come out. I assume it's spinning while the car is on (important for opening I believe), so a wait for it to stop and pop isn't a big suprise...
You have to slide the door closed, then open then press the button. And it had to be at least in ACC power mode. At least that's how to do it on a 2004/2005. But why would you want to change the 2006 DVD? Backup?
1. I have attached a photo of the DVD-ROM unit under the driver's seat for the 2006 Prius. 2. Yes, I want to make a backup of the 5.1 Nav DVD disc. Donald