I found a Lexus dealer offering the 2005 update here (Lexus and Toyota use the same Denso nav systems), but it's not listed as available until January. Interestingly, they state that the update works on Generation 2, 3, and 4 navigation systems. Previous disks for G2/G3 systems (includes Prius Classic) and G4 systems ('04-05 Prius) have been incompatible with one another. Their compatibility chart lists the Generation 5 nav system in the IS as using different disks.
$288! Man that's a lot of money for that. Long ago I speculated why they didn't offer a freeware version or at least a low cost version that used advertising...McDonalds logos are already in there, lots of other places could have logos and probably little ads or even menus to cover production/update costs.
What we may be seeing is the already-sponsored cost, and they'd want $500 without McDonald's support. Perhaps if the "I Agree" button had ads behind it...
That may be why nobody has responded to my email yet: I asked about the 2006's DVD and they might be learning what I can actually use...
Hey Wayne, could you post a photograph of the DVD? I'd like to get part numbers, rev numbers, etc off of it. Nate
hey Wayne, Thanks for the front side photo. Can you post a picture of the other side so I can burn a DL image off of it? thx PS, don't tell Toyota I'm doing this
Actually, that's not necessary. Truth be known, all the various versions are already in ROM inside the NAV unit. Toyota/Denso just like to generate a little extra cash flow every once in awhile by "shipping" new versions. All they really do is print up a bunch of DVD labels, slap them on some blank DVDs, and sell them for $350 a pop. When you insert that DVD into your NAV unit, it reads the version on the label, and accesses that version from its ROM. So, just take my picture, print up a label (it has to be in color!), slap it on a DVD, and insert it into the NAV unit. You should be good to go. Hope that helps.
Hey! This didn't work! Maybe I did something wrong? Does it matter if I print the label on gloss or matte paper. Also, should it be in color? Maybe I'm missing something? Please help! I want the new NAV version to work. I've heard of companies doing this before...Microsoft also does this with Windows XP. Each computer harddrive comes loaded with all versions of Windows - even the Windows 2003 Server! You just need to insert the correct CD ROM and type in the correct CD Key to get your computer to run the new version.
I don't know what you're talking about, it worked for me. Maybe you didn't use a triple-layer recordable DVD like I did. Now I get voice navigation and DVD-video playback with DTS surround sound using my tiny center speaker as my center channel! Boy do I need to upgrade that thing! Don't I wish I had that problem!!!
FYI, I popped my 5.1 DVD in my computer last night to see if I could figure out how to make a backup copy for myself. Turns out this DVD is dual layer with more than 7 GB data. My DVD burner will only burn single layer and only up to 4.4 GB or so.
So, I was able to make a backup of the DVD that works perfectly. Here's the criteria: -I used Winimage 7 (8.0 probably works too) to make a CD-ROM image of the DVD. I used the DVD reader in my laptop, a Dell QSI SBW-242, then transferred the image to my desktop across the LAN. (This step is unnecessary, you can use the same computer to image and burn). Both machines run Windows XP. -I used Nero to burn the image to disc. Nero detected it as a CD-ROM image, but said it was too big, and asked if I wanted to burn it to DVD instead. I said "yes" and inserted the DVD. I had also checked the "Finalize Disc" option beforehand. -I used my NEC ND-3520 DVD-Burner with Liggy and Dee's hacked firmware version 3.06bt. This is really only important for single layer burns as DL's already do bitsetting automatically. -I used Verbatim DVD+R DL in a 10-pack, item number 95166, from newegg.com. -I burned at 4x. I tried to burn at max, but Nero got confused, and defaulted down to 4x. -Nero also reported the booktype bits to be set to "DVD-ROM" (the preferred choice) at the start of the burn. I have done a search while in motion in every region on the disc and it works flawlessly. Nate
There is a workaround of sorts if you have an SL burner. I don't recall who suggested it but believe it was DanMan. Basically, you rip the DVD to your HDD and then zero-out all of the region-specific files. Obviously, you retain the files that apply to your region. With files for one region only, the data will fit on an SL disk.