Congrats on the new addition! One word of warning, however... pick a name fast! One of my neighbors a while back (probably 10 years ago, now that i think about it) got a new dog. She insisted she was trying to find him the perfect name, and in the meantime was calling him Bubba (mostly because at the time he was a bit on the chubby side and kind of waddled). At any rate, after a few weeks, she was pretty much stuck with the name! If you aren't too careful, you'll be stuck with Gizmo. So my suggestion... You've come up with some great description of his color... but no one has yet mentioned that it's a bit sandy colored (of course, you can't name him Sandy, that's too girly). But what about naming him after your favorite beach?
Can't do it with a straight face... We're too lefty... Neighbors might object if I end up running the streets calling out "Damnit!" Gizmo may yet happen, and Poipu, while phonetically interesting, is just WRONG on so many levels for a Poodle puppy (or maybe TOO right). If nothing else, it sounds like I'd be making poi out of my Poo(dle or p)... Look, I don't mean to be impossible, but this is important and I don't want to rush it...I SHOULD be ok for another day or 2--since he's pretty much grafted to me while we get the potty spots worked out, I'm not calling him much of anything at the moment, except for "little one" and "ouch, that hurts..." GAH! (As Dr. Galaxee might say...)
Here's a site for some ideas: Poodle Names: Male & Female French And Standard Poodle Dog Names From that list, these two names stick out for me (but of course, i don't know your dog!) Rigby Kosmo
Thanks for the link. It has endless possibilities that I will visit later. I have to go out for a couple of hours now though... Thinkin' about Alf, as in Alf(red Hitchcock or Alien Life Form, because he kinda looks like him), but the slot machine hasn't gone KACHING yet...
My daughter's wee puppy (bishon friese) is named Beau (her other one is named Buttons). My stepson's dog, which is a smallish, hairy dog, is named Fluffy, Destroyer of Worlds. I'd go with a name that evokes a sense of dignity, well-behaved, gentlemanly behavior, generally. Every time you use a name, you are calling forth the meaning. Avoid 'chaos' names! I think Stanley is a good name
Astro? Sort of George Jetson'y My wife suggests Prince Valiant which you could shorten to Prince. Good luck on a tough decision. [FONT="] [/FONT]
Karl (Marx) was a lefty. How about: - Boo, - Scout or - Atticus (I think Jake Gyllenhaal named his dog Atticus) Those names have some lefty cred.
I second that! One of my mom's dog's is named Riley... and man is he hyper - always "riled" up! It seems that the name you give a dog, after only knowing him or her a few days, affects who they become as they grow up. At least, that's how it seems to run in my family... it could just be that your interpretation of the name changes as they grow.
It's true! Our cat officially named Tyco is actually psycho. Our poor deceased Pia always had "pee" problems (urinary infections).
Looking at the pic, he's awfully cute! Maybe you could tell us about his personality quirks and that might help us a bit. It's so hard to name a pet on a pic alone. He kinda looks like the mischievous type.
That's more or less what I'm aiming for, but with a sense of humor thrown in... Like Rufaro wasn't hard enough to explain? That'd likely get changed down the line to "Turf..." He's pretty, ummmm, well-modulated for such a young puppy. I do not know how much of that is still that he misses his mom, dad, and brother and sister, plus the several humans he was living with until Monday evening. He mostly seems to prefer lying on the carpet or my backpack to my lap or a blankie when I'm typing--if it's the carpet, it's right under my feet. He likes playing with a teeny tiny tennis ball, and, of course, chewing stuff with his point-ed baby teef--but he's pretty good about taking a chew toy instead of chewing on the furniture. Mostly. He's pretty quiet--doesn't woof really--just cries if he's hungry or if I get too far away. Hmmm...some of this sounds like he's low-energy--he's not, really--he's just a baby, and gets tired out pretty quickly still. I've built up barriers around the edges of my bed so he can sleep with me without danger of falling, and he likes to climb on my head, or sleep curled up next to my belly. Apart from his own birth family, he's met a few other, select dogs (my sister's Loki and a couple of trusted neighbor dogs) and he seems to hold his own--he's not scared of them, but neither does he give 'em attitude (which Rufaro did--in spades). He doesn't mind riding in the car, even though he's in a carrier bag (except for his initial ride home, when I held him and my sister drove, and then a couple of miles after I dropped off my sister and he rode in the passenger seat...I have a doggie booster seat and harness on order for a better solution). He's very confused by "outside," since he was never there before Monday, and now he only sees outside from my 2nd floor balcony (yes, it is dog-proofed). The couple of times I tried him on a leash, he walked backwards. It's HARD to gauge his personality right now. I see the sense in the Native American custom of childhood and adult names, but that's not really practical here, since I can't very well tell him a coupla years down the line, "Ok, THIS is your name now, forget that other one." He really does look like a bear right now, but that is probably gonna go away with his first haircut. Or not...I just don't want to get this wrong! With Rufaro, we knew we were getting him for a few weeks before we brought him home. We met him when he was about 3 weeks old, and brought him home @ 9 weeks. And, for those who wonder about HIS name...We (my now-ex-husband & I) collected Shona sculpture and had a book about the stuff, with a glossary @ the back. Rufaro means something like happiness, peace and contentment. Seemed to me like a "Eureka" moment when I came across it... Does that help any? Oh yeah--and my Prius is called Bruce, after the shark in Jaws, if that helps tell anything about ME...
You know, i love Jaws, it's a great movie... but is it a bad thing that when I read "Bruce, after the shark" I completely missed the next part and thought only of Finding Nemo? In my defense, i mentor an all girls high school robotics team, and the kids named one of our saws Bruce after Finding Nemo...
Ahh, Shona. From Zimbabwe, right? How about Zim - short for Zim-dog-wee. Is that your dog? Yes, that's Zim. Or Zimba? Kinda lionesque - suits the colour and the 'do.
Think STEALTH! Given that I no longer have the husband, the collection or the dog...I don't think so. The pun, yes, THAT is what I expect from you, Hyo, but I expect better for the rest!