Women can smell fear, Daniel...and you're afraid and uncertain and self-conscious. A dose of confidence would go a long way. You're a quirky guy, but you're smart, witty, well off and have a lot of worldliness about you...there's a girl out there for you, but you've gotta quit scaring them away. It IS realistic, but if you don't believe it you'll never find her.
Is the "Cutty Sark" restored? If not you'll have to wait awhile. BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Blaze ravages historic Cutty Sark These pics just makes me sick to look at having seen this grand ship just a year before it caught fire.
Quirkiness is also attractive to some women, esp. the kind you are likely to enjoy. Esp. with the more independant minded ones. Broodiness is also attractive, provided it isn't in a self loathing way. Something about a calm mysterious broody man turns women on. But you have to put aside the self doubt and put on the ole' confidence mask....Oh..and let them do the talking. Keep turning the conversation back to being about her and let her want to know more about you. If you show all you cards at once, you lose. If you hold a few cards back a bluff a little....well, sometimes they'll "call" your bet. A key rule for satisfying women: Give them what they want but just slightly less of it than they want (whether in conversation or in bed) and you'll always leave them wanting more.
This is just the other side of thinking that wishing/prayer can make things happen. I have a friend who thinks that if you "visualize" something you can make it happen. I'm not talking about preparing yourself for a task by running through the procedures. She thinks if you want to win the lottery you just have to imagine it hard enough. Prayer will not make you rich. Wishing on a star will not get you that new toy. And "believing" will not get me a girlfriend. That's what we used to say about dogs, too, and yet I've found that a dog's reaction to me does not seem to have anything to do with whether I'm afraid or not. I was bitten by a neighbor's new dog when I was not scared at all because I assumed these people would only have a friendly dog. And there was this time in Mexico: There was a dog in a small yard who always barked viciously every time I walked by. Then one time the gate was open and the dog was on the sidewalk. There was no way around, and I was very scared. The dog came running up to me, sniffed at me, jumped around like a puppy, and turned around after I had passed its house. I didn't know about this. I visited it before I sailed on the Lord Nelson (a barque-rigged tall sailing ship of similar size). That's really sad. Still these ships are REALLY BIG, which was my point.
Not literally smell, Daniel, but sense, detect. It's in the tone and tempo of your voice, your body language, your eye contact. If you're uncomfortable you make them feel uncomfortable. If you lack confidence you display that lack of confidence and they sense that in your behavior. They might not express it that way in so many words...but it is what it is. This is nothing like "wishing makes it so", it's about how your body reacts to it's emotions...your cry if you're sad, you laugh when you're happy, when you feel negative you display negative vibes and those are what are sensed and felt.
Goes both ways. It IS hard though to keep on keepin' on when you're facing yet another round of rejection. Dumb nice person men just don't know how wonderful I really am. True. I have been impressed on more than one occasion with your intelligence, integrity, and wit. I can't speak for all women and plenty of them will tell you they want a sensitive guy and all that. Personally, I'd rather have a strong guy than a sensitive one. I know a man who is on the surface not sensitive, he isn't really foo-foo about anything but after getting to know him, he has a very deep caring about him. It's just at a much deeper and quieter level. There is something even more attractive about that. Too bad he's married. I do believe there is a cosmic/God/Universe ( call it whatever) connection that involves getting back what you throw out there. I've struggled with the confidence thing too and am more and more convinced that I really am fabulous, and the men who can't see it are idiots. ( maybe not at "confidence" yet, but I'm on my way! )
When it comes to approaching women, I am pathologically shy. Telling me to "be confident" is not going to change that. My deciding to "be confident" is not going to change that. Telling a shy person to be confident is about as useful as telling a man with a ruptured spleen to "just hold it together." You can tell a pig to fly, and push it off the roof, but it's still going to accelerate straight downwards at the rate of 32 feet per second per second until it hits the ground. And in this world where the man has to make the first move, my chances are pretty much as I suggested above.
I disagree, to a point. You can be shy, but you can teach yourself to use that shyness in a positive way. You go places where you get to know people and let the inhibitions fade with common interest. You express, verbally, that you are shy, but you're gonna fight that as best you can "in her case". You can put on a facade of confidence temporarily, just like acting...and don't go off on being fake, this is about being able to open a doorway to an opportunity where you can then show your true self. Daniel, I'm telling you, there are a lot dumber, uglier, more socially retarded people out there than you, but they find a way. I have every confidence that you can as well.
Yeah, I thought the part about "imagining it hard enough" was sorta perverted too. :eyebrows: Daniel definitely has to find a girlfriend AND that little "Blue Pill" hehe!
Oh... and IMO, shy folks NEVER get the right mate without someone else matching em up. And the flip side of the coin... overly confident folks get the mate, but often can't keep them, because of other character traits/flaws in their personality that over time are seen by their conquests as undesirable. The right balance is often not achieved by folks when they most want it, and they they may often remain unfulfilled/bitter/questioning their self worth as they progress through life. Me... I don't have that problem... but, I have folks that know me that would NEVER EVER consider hooking up with me... I just don't dwell on that, and I don't think any less of them if they don't... Did I mention I met my wife in Yahoo... well, she found ME in yahoo... I wasn't looking at the time, and after I met her, looking was moot, I didn't have to look any more.
That was exactly the "application process" my DH went through when he applied for a job as an appliance repairman. The parts in the bucket was a Maytag dishwasher. He did know that much. Putting it together so that it would work was entirely up to him. He loved that job.
Um, I think that only becomes a concern for a naked guy Wow, that IS perverted! In a kinky way too Yep, all true Yep, once they sense fear/self doubt it's over. Like that brilliant engineer at the office, he's actually smarter than I am (IF such a thing is remotely possible) but I know I get laid more on a Friday night than he has his entire life I had that figured out by 25: act aloof and confident, they practically throw themselves at you "Ok, Jay, let's see that weird birthmark of yours" Schwiiiinnnngg! Once a guy understands and accepts that women are entirely different creatures, indeed species, than men, that just naturally makes sense. Now, a logical guy will have an internal conversation like this: "Wait a minute. I have to actually bulls*** a woman to score, because she really isn't interested in logic and facts, she only wants to hear what she wants to hear. Does EVERY woman have this messed up internal fantasy about what she desires, and what she expects in a man?" The short answer is .... yes! Not trying to stereotype or knock-down women, but if they could become as coldly logical as men, they could run the world. Especially during That Time Of The Month Instead, thanks to all those hormones rushing around, what makes them do nothing one day, leaves them laughing the very next day, and bawling the day after. SOMETIMES these mood swings happen in the same day! I've often wondered why a woman would stick with a horribly abusive alky worthless piece of s*** upwards of 15 years, giving herself 110% to the worthless piece of s***, but when a nice caring decent sincere non-alky non-worthless piece of s*** guy comes along, she won't give him the time of day That says a lot about women in general. Which is why I tend to have a great deal of compassion, passion, and sympathy for them Oh boy ..... I'm gonna need WAY more in The Emergency Fund To Get Daniel Laid I know how wonderful you really are But I'm not a dumbass guy either. Not every guy out there is an abusive alky worthless piece of s*** you know. Some of us really are kind, compassionate, passionate, etc And, just like women, we're the ones who tend to get hurt in relationships I wonder if somehow a woman's internal Composite used to select a potential mate is responsible for that? I would think a sensitive guy would be a much better long-term bet than a "strong" guy My Friends With Bennies all have been divorced from strong guys. The problem with strong guys is that they are cold, egotistical, and a fair number tend to be - at the very least - emotionally abusive. One of my Friends With Bennies was in a horribly abusive marriage. The physical scars heal quickly. The emotional scars will probably last the rest of her life You have access to finances. Seek out a good qualified Clinical Psychologist and work on that issue! That's why I'm convinced that at a deep psychological level, when a woman forms her internal Composite of an ideal mate, it is flawed. That is, the things that compel her to latch onto a guy are negative traits, and the situation usually ends sadly As a Project Manager, welcome to MY world!
I disagree. I don't think the two are related. I also don't think women are inherently not logical. I'm very logical, but what I know based on information from my brain is only one set of factors that should be taken into consideration. I need to listen to what I know based on information from my heart, and body too. EVERYONE has flaws. I think some of us women are just more comfortable dealing with flaws that err on the bold side of the spectrum. I'd much rather deal with cocky than spineless. It's been said over and over again, confidence is the magic butter you can spread over just about anything and make it more appealing to people. I don't think it runs only one direction either. I think men prefer it too.
I've witnessed a few problems with women's parts too, but mostly on the upper part of the body while rock climbing. Well endowed women can, ahhh...how do I say this...get stuck in the belay device as the rope runs past their chest. It's not a good thing. I have many shirts with little holes from just that thing, but for me it was only a shirt. Social biologists tell us evolution drives a woman in two directions when selecting a mate. First, she wants a good provider and a father who will take care of her offspring. Second, she wants strong genes that will create alpha offspring. The strong genes come from testosterone heavy males which generally don't make for good husbands and fathers. The evolutionary solution for this conundrum is to marry a good man and cheat with a stallion. I suspect this is why women are drawn to bikers. Tom
Not really. Many women will instigate. Even those that don't, tend to signal through "clues" what they want. There are all sorts of ways they will hint that they are open or closed to you. (eye contact, offhand comments to you or your friends, changing their schedule or patterns to "happen to run into you"., etc) That's one of the key differences of men and women. Men just say what they want from you rather bluntly and without tact. Women tend to hint at it. And if you miss the hint (as us men ussually do!) then they hint louder and louder. If they have to actually say what they want, they get annoyed or outright angry that you didn't pick up on the hints!
Amazingly enough, if you substitute "hiring manager" for "woman" and substitute "get hired" for "score", the above statement is still correct.