OK, I was really just trying to arouse a little interest in expanding cultural awareness on the forum and I applaud the women who are willing to expose themselves to new situations.
Check Ummmm ..... Ich nehme an :hug: Oh my my my my my my my my my Say, if it doesn't work out with um, what's his name, the "other" guy, let me know. + 1,000,000,000,000 Check your email soon Two words: bow and flex
Here is a mugshot of me from my security system. I honestly can't remember what home repair project I was up to my neck in, but I look pissed off in the photo. That helps keep the neighbors on their toes
Why don't I believe that's really you? Maybe because the guy has no legs. Here Rene posts an actual picture of herself, and all you guys can do is post joke pictures.
In my case, it's a good thing. I get a lot more done with power tools when I'm in a sour mood One time I couldn't get all the air bled out of a new rear wheel cylinder. So I took it off and used a sledge hammer to beat it into submission Cost of Sledgehammer: $72 Cost of brake cylinder: $12 Sense of release and satisfaction: PRICELESS Or how about the time the steel hanger for the steps leading off my deck cracked? It was already dark, so I lugged out my stick welder and proceeded to weld it right up Cost of new prefabed steel step hanger: $45 Cost of new Lincoln stick welder: $430 Sense of fear and awe from terrified neighbors: PRICELESS
I thought she posted a fun sexy picture! Jayman, a shot from your security cam doesn't count. We want to see some eyeballs looking over rims of glasses! errr... I mean.... :blush: Men reading or otherwise looking smart.
Nope. I'm pretty clear that I really like it when a man gives a certain look from over the top of his glasses. Very clear indeed.
There was a homeless guy at the shelter where I worked for five years. One time he was working on his car, and got so frustrated he shot the thing with a shotgun. Did I say he suffered from explosive temper syndrome? That was the main reason he was homeless: his explosive temper made it impossible for him to keep a job. Cost of ruined car: Not sure. Sense of satisfaction upon shooting it: Oh, maybe $10 or $20. Disappointment later upon calmer reflection that now he didn't have a car at all: A lot more than the satisfaction of shooting it was worth. I don't know what gave you that idea. The naked picture appears to be the same person as in her avatar. Just because there's some humor in the position of the laptop, does not change the fact that she posted a picture of herself showing skin.
Very clear yes indeed. I'll have to work on that frisky photo of yours It's one thing to take a $12 part and beat it to smithereens, quite another to ruin an entire car Oh, and if you ever get to experience the Joy and Wonder of overhauling an old Holley 4 barrel carb, trust me on this: you will do the world a favor if you just place it on the driveway and run it over Talk about a POS. Smart folks don't even bother, they just toss the old Holley into the trash and bolt on a brand new Edelbrock
The Lost Art of Carb Rebuilding should remain a lost art. Those things barely worked right in the first place, were hopeless after you took it apart and tried to put all the little pieces back in the right places. Fuel injection is the only way to go.