Patrick. I have a cat that parks himself on the hood when I get home. And the plug in ultrasonic unit in the garage with my wife’s Prius. I’m a believer in a last supper so any sign of droppings I set a T of two traps baited with Jiff (stickier and smellier) most of the time my cat is more vigilant than I am and brings them around to the back door and exchanges them for a chicken or cheese treat. iPhone ?
rodents are difficult to control, i really like ur multiple methods approach as just 1 likely won't deter them. blocking mesh, poison, traps, new location, and ultrasonics are all great. i've heard washing away their urine (used to mark "safe" spots & pathways) from the engine area, cleaning/washing the crusty crud from battery terminals (rodents love this electrolysis smell, probably not this model prius with trunk small battery), mothballs, peppermint oil, dryer sheets, leaving the hood open, and lights are also good measures to take.
We've had rodent problems as well, both the Camry and the Prius cabin air filters have had urine and droppings on them. They also used the Prius windshield washer reservoir cap and neck as a chew toy. It also gnawed on the radiator support right next to the cap, you can see the gnaw marks on the paint. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
i read there will be new rodenticides in the near future, that will only affect their dna, and not be poisonous to anything consuming them
the government has to find ways to create problems and solve it themselves. They have to keep busy some how, if not that they would have to focus on solving real world problems.
Goodnature Traps, Supplies & Accessories | Automatic Trap Company – Automatic Trap Company This would work wouldn’t it Patrick? iPhone ?
What happens to the mouse/rat when it's triggered? Do you have a dead rodent lying there in the trap? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
looks like it's made to catch a profit! 'when a pest brushes the trigger, a steel core piston strikes its skull, killing it instantly'
We have cats - as do neighbors of ours - and still have the rodent issues. Neighbor makes a point of leaving his hoods open - so cats have access to the engine compartment. I'm not sure how practical that is with a Prius with the very cramped engine compartment. I'd also prefer not to have leaves and stuff blowing in under my opened hood.
My dad and my friend, as I have had with petroleum based rustproofing and rodent repellent over the last 50 years. The rodents hate the smell and taste of petroleum waxes and oils that my dad has used to cover plastic parts and wire insulation for many years. In his vehicles, there is sometimes acorn residue, but the wiring and plastic parts were never chewed. In the last five years, I have additionally used this mouse repellent with even greater success. There has been no evidence of any rodents for the last six years.
I appreciated hearing the various rodent stories from group members. I'm not eager to use traps. I ended up using ultrasonic devices plugged into the two AC outlets nearest to the driveway, installing a battery-operated ultrasonic unit in the engine compartment, and also screened off the two vents in the hatch area. So far I have not had a recurrence of the problem, and I check the Prius daily in the morning when it is parked on the driveway.
Nice job. I’ve been dragging my heels on those hatch vents (on our 2010); they’re awkward to deal with. I have done the cabin air intake, and the engine air intake snorkel.
I work at a hardware store and bought about $50 (my cost) of various and sundry rodent repellent products. I hesitate to use any *inside* the vehicle as I really don't want to make our car's scent "Rodent repellent" - but we'll see. The Victor "Scent-Away" natural rodent repeller packs don't seem to have much of an odor at all - a slight minty spell - so I don't know how effective they'll be. I guess I could live with a few of them in the car - glovebox, under the hood, etc.
One hell of a ingenuity idea there. I was thinking about finding a glow in the dark photo of a cat and tape it facing the entrance direction.
One hell of a ingenuity idea there. I was thinking about finding a glow in the dark photo of a cat and tape it facing the entrance direction.
Also, what's the mesh size? Looks like 1/2 inch mesh, which is a little large for mice. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The top and bottom of the plastic vent is bulging into the hatch compartment area, so the wire mesh is tight against the top and bottom without using fasteners there. You are right that the mesh is 1/2" square. If you could get a smaller size that would be a better choice. Although I can believe that a mouse can fit through a 1/2" wide gap if the other dimension of the gap is somewhat longer, if the mouse actually can fit through the 1/2" square without getting stuck, that would be amazing to me.
I also have 1/2 inch stainless steel hardware cloth available. I was thinking about overlapping 2 layers to get smaller overall openings in the mesh. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.