As long as some left leaning states molly coddle kid hoodlums you will have this kind of damage. In my state kids are taught at an early age about respect for safety and property. It is almost always transitory kids from other states who commit these acts when it happens here. Shooting at my vehicle is very likely to elicit a deadly Castle Doctrine response. At night I would not know nor care if the shooter is a kid. He would be just as dead.
I can't agree with you on the kids here having more respect for anything but I do love the Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground Laws. I brought them up here before and the lefties just didn't get that I could shoot someone for running up to my car looking like they were goint to assault me. There's a third law guaranteeing something along the lines of 'safe passage' or 'safe carrige' also. That one say's you don't need a carry permit for a gun in your car.