Hi and thanks. Yeah, the only thing I might add is a clear coat, but we'll see how the touch up paint works first. Also, my center caps are enroute so I'll post more photos when they arrive. Jay
Wow. I would have sworn you were talking about Illinois . Hopefully you can get it taken care of on Monday. Sorry for the delay, but your file wasn't expedited because it got put in the wrong stack. Normally, we send out the title within a day or so. I'm glad you called me so I could handle it right away.
Hi folks,i am from Germany and unfortunately are dealers don´t get the Prius until end of August so if you don´t mind i have a few questinos about the 2010! First off, i think it ist a fantastic looking vehicle on wich i cant´t wait to get my hands on! Many owners of the Gen 2,here in Germany complain about bad halogen headlights ! (we didn´t get the Xenon option here ! ) Have they,by any chance, improved on the 2010 ? Is the small (good looking ! ) shifter iluminated ? And one thing what makes me wonder is,that nobody ist talking about the HUD ! I was asking myself what kind of information is displayed on the windscreen ! Don´t you get it in the US ? It will be standard here in Germany ! How good are the windscreen wipers ? I heare you get a special one for the passengers side so more of the passengers side is wiped! We wont get that in Germany! I also can not see any turn indicator lights planted in the rear-view mirror of the US version . Well,we dont get the cruise control in the standard version as you get it ! I hope someone of you new 2010 owners can answer my questions ! And by the way, congratts!
Jeff, it that's the case, I've been wondering why I only got a 7-day temp tag from you guys? TN issues 14-day and other states as long as 30-days. Jay
Whenever it is an out of state purchase, we generally process the paperwork the next day. Unfortunately, there was a mix up here. I know that doesn't make the pill easier to swallow, but at least I admit it rather than come up with some hairbrained excuse And IL used to do 10 day, but last year changed it to 7. No idea why..
No HUD for US. The Passenger wider has a 4-bar linkage that adds more sweep. It's cool to watch. Can't recall the shifter was illuminated (why would you want that?). Halogens seem fine too. I had HID on my Acura and I really liked them. No on the turn signals on the backs of the mirrors ... I still can't figure out why people want them I'll post more as I haven't driven it much since getting it a week ago. I go back to work this week so I'm sure I'll have more impressions to share. I can say that the style of the car is very nice and one of the main reasons I waited for the 2010 versus getting a 2009. Jay
Thanks Jay for answering my questions ! It´s not so much that i wont the shifter to be illuminated but i wouldn´t mind it either! It looked to me it could have been so! As for the turn-indicator lights in the rear-view mirror,it makes you seen even better when there are 4 lights blinking in the front rather then two ! We are certainly getting them in Germay and i guess around Europe anyway ! i have a question about the touch tracer display ! When it comes to climate control it seems to be pretty useless to me ! According to Toyota the TTD was developed to make sure you keep your eyes on the road rather then having to look down to the Displays but if you for example change the temperature by using the TTD you still having to look down to the climate-display to see to what temperature you changed it or am i wrong and its displayed in the MFD at the same time? If not, then the same goes for the radio-volume !
Well the radio volume should be obvious if it's too load or low right And you are right, I had to look down to see what the temp was set to so it's not too much of a perk. But you have got to see the touch tracer in person to appreciate how it "appears". Very cool 3D/multi-level.
What a bunch of wimps, I am 65 years old an I drove my 04 Prius 924 miles in 15 hours yesterday on a trip back from Florida. Do you want your mommy to rub your back?
The seats fit some people, but don't fit many others because of lack of adjustments. There is no reason to deal with it when most other cars didn't have this issue. Goody for you if 2004 seats are positioned fine for you.
LOL ... yeah or at least take the wheel for a few hours Actually, On my city commutes I have had no complaints about the seats thank you very much. Jay
Yes, the shifter is illumated by a small light in the overhead console. The light is very small and focused on the shifter. It looks more like ambient lighting for the shifter.
Yeah . ..I just saw this on the 2010 Pictures thread. I never noticed. But it's a spotlight whereas I thought he was asking it it were "LED lit" from inside/beneath the blue It's fun to discover these things I think. Jay
BTW, I really love this car. Had a great country road drive today to a buddy's house and back. Windows down, 35-45 MPH and Pearl Jam
Hello and wilkommen! 1. The halogen light is now projected through projector-style headlights vs. the current Prius with a multi-reflector setup. It's noticably brighter. There's optional LED headlights too and this time it should be available worldwide 2. Yes it's illuminated from below and above 3. They're not available in North America. It will show current speed as well as the Hybrid System Indicator (if chosen). It will also show navigation instructions (e.g. next turn and distance to next turn) 4. The wipers appear to sweep faster than before (just looking at the Japanese videos) 5. Yes, we do not get those mirrors. It will be standard or at least available in Europe.