In Virginia, you can apply for Clean Special Fuel tags for your hybrid and then drive in the HOV lanes without passengers (some lanes are HOV-2 and some HOV-3). The Clean Special Fuel tags are limited to 6 characters on the personalized plates. People in my office had a list of possible tags: FUOPEC ISPUSK (I sip, you suck) PASGAS (The explanation was you could pass gas stations by...) NOTGAS SIPGAS H8OPEC
If you see me around town, I'll be in the Black #9 with "Rflagg" on the Clean Special Fuel plate, coincidentally enough (it's been my online name for years now) -m.
wow again! i should have read further . absolutely the most innovative appoach ive seen . just the best!!!!. im just blown away. even the picture of your ceo. perhaps the best post ive ever seen anywhere by anyone :lol:
It occurs to me that they might not even have looked at your web site. They may not have access to the web (not wanting employees to waste time surfing the net). Your letter of explanation may really have been what did it. Here in ND you have to explain what your plate means before you can get it. But it would not be hard for an imaginative person to put one over on them, providing there were no actual dirty words in it.
I just got to thinking what I'd do in OPECs place: Say I owned so much of the world's supply of a legal drug that I could influence the price. Say the whole world was addicted to this drug. They waste more of it than they import, so they could leave me high and dry by cutting their waste, or by weaning themselves of their addiction, or by switching to abundant alternatives, but they choose to use and waste my drug and they clamor for it. So do I ramp up production to deplete my supply as quickly as possible and let them have it as cheaply as possible? Will they support me in my old age once my stock is gone? Of course not. Once I no longer have any to sell them they'll probably knock me down and kick me in the ribs. If I'm smart, I'll limit production, sell it as high as I can, and extend my stocks as long as possible, aiming for maximum profit and only taking care to not let it get so expensive that they are forced to turn to alternatives. Most OPEC countries have nothing else to sell, and even their stocks are finite. Why shouldn't they make it last as long as they can and charge as much as they can? We could be energy-independent with renewables in a decade if we wanted to. Maybe we just love our smog too much to give it up.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jon\";p=\"16528)</div> The .jpg is no longer available. What's on your license plate?
You'll need to update that website to reflect a middle initial. Ulysses perhaps? FUOPEC will need to reflect Francis Ulysses Opec. And perhaps Francis has a daughter that has joined the business? Francine Ursula Opec? Son: Franklin Umberto Opec? Wife: Flora Uma Opec (nee Halliburton) Okay....maybe that's pushing it.
If your state wont allow it try PUCK OFEC . My plate (they call them "tags" around here says NO 4N OIL