nice thread .. by the way your prius can go upto 42mph on electric in other words ICE will stop you can only tell of course if you have SGII or other scanner (iPhone or android phone app with those cheap bluetooth scanner will work as well) also check out without the hubcaps !!! I preferred my 2010 that way the 2012 has a black rim even better !!! You just need to find a cup (me electric box plugging thing was fine ... you may find that tacky)
^^^ First thing I bought was the Toyota caps... actually that was the second thing, first thing was the Cadillac horns! Wish I'd have checked Priuschat first...I was unaware of the Home Depot cap mod (reminds me of the Fernco mod on my 99 Trans Am). I've been thinking of painting the rims black to match the Vette...but I'm not sure if I'll like it as much, haven't made up my mind.
Honestly .... much better some says you loose some mpg but don't think so... I got the home depo thing and spray painted it black looks original! to me at least I actually offered mine hubcaps, to someone who was missing one ... those are outrageously expensive from Toyota
for all fours is not that bad !!! But the four in the home depot was less than $10 dollar I think it was $1.99 a piece or so. I got some matching plastic tube and put on the four cramp thingy so it will not scratch the aluminum (I think) rim and keeps it in place. no toyota logo though :-(
"I am enjoying learning how to drive for max mileage. Though I'm not going to go 55 mph to save fuel" You ask for instructions and refuse to use them. That ego of yours is causing you to FAIL.
I guess he needs to amend his original request. There are many things he can do and has been shown to help him improve his miles per gallon. But the "lowest hanging fruit" is easily the speed one maintains on the highway (for his commute).
Please, be kind. I am asking for tips. That doesn't mean I will use all of them. However, I appreciate all of them as I think a rational review of my posts will support and in fact, I am using many of them. Don't think less of me because I won't do everything you do, and I won't think less of you who keeps calling my ego into question. The title of my thread was on purpose - it's an advertising thing, you have to make a forum title attractive so people have interest and step in. Had I titled it "Please tell me all your advice and I'll use what I want to" would not have garnered interest and I wouldn't have 4 pages of responses.
People at Prius Chat are wonderful about cheerfully helping each other. This is regardless of how large your ego is. And despite your "attractive" writing style, there are many, MANY threads on hypermiling and improved fuel performance here on PriusChat. Use the search function for more info. But please be certain of this one thing: stubborn refusal to slow down is only going to get you more advice/tips/insistence to SLOW DOWN (especially when you continue document your regular speeds above 70, 80 and attempts at triple digit drag racing). You know you have become are real Prius driver when you loose that Vette fueled machismo and learn to enjoy driving like an old lady, in the right hand lane, drafting a semi. Sloooooow is coooooooooooool!!!
Dude what makes you think I have a huge ego? Give it a rest! Life is too short to troll. Does this board have an "ignore" feature? Guess I could search for that too.
Click on his name and a small color window pops up, the ignore link is there. Hopefully Kenoarto feels that his point was made and will leave it at that.
Eventually each of us arrive at the level of Mpg we deem acceptable from our Prius and strive to meet or beat that level given the characteristics of our routine trips. If 70mph is a routine speed then try and do the best 70 mph you can achieve. I would seriously consider the Scanguage because you seem to like the Prius technology and the increased info makes the journey more enjoyable. At times I drive the Prius at 55 and other times at 70. One thing for sure is the mpg always is better than our other two vehicles. Be safe and enjoy the ride.
This is exactly where I'm at. If I'm doing 70, I will try to gain a little speed going down the meager "hills" we have here and not keep up to speed going up hills. I'm thrilled with the mileage and glad that several of the tips in this thread bore real fruit as to additional mileage. It gets tough to search 50 pages of a thread where most of the posts are not on point to glean tips. Sometimes starting a new thread is appropriate (after searching appropriately). I appreciate all the time folks took to respond to me in this thread with the helpful tips. We need a "cheers" emoticon! And you are totally correct.... I was shopping for ScanGage yesterday, comparing it to the iPhone engine management app discussed earlier in this thread. I already have a bluetooth odbii that works with Android but not iPhone, so I was looking for a reasonable wifi obdii adaptor and balancing that cost with just buying a used Android phone or pad. Haven't decided yet, but I"m thinking I might enjoy the additional real estate of an Android 7" tablet (if I can find one with bluetooth as it seems they are lacking bluetooth at the cheaper levels).
Here is a legitimate question: Even going sinfully fast at the posted speed limit (70), I've taken to keeping steady pedal pressure going down the meager "hills" we have here (which are overpasses to surface roads below) gaining a little speed (the horror) and similarly, not keeping my deadly speed up when going up the hill and lagging down to say 65 or even lower. I tried it with cruise control, letting the computer keep my speed steady, but seemed to me it would go right up to the edge of the ECO and I thought I saw into the PWR band on the HSI to keep speed up to a solid 70. Thus, it seemed to me that a better way to get mileage is to manually build up speed going downhill and let it bleed off going uphill vs letting the cruise control maintain steady speeds. Am I right with this theory?
And you have to learn to deal with the rage-filled idiots who find meaning in life by harassing people going slow in the slow lane.
cruise control is inefficient you can control it better exatly what you are saying... keep it up but you are OK for your driving..
They call this driving with load (DWL) and it is a hypermiling technique. When you approach a hill, you may consider building a little extra speed prior to ascending, then keeping the pedal in a selected portion of the power band, you should lose some speed as you climb the hill as you descend the other side, you can recoup the speed you lost.
I hate to say it, but I use my rear view mirror less these days because of raging people. It isn't safe for me because I'm not as aware of what traffic is doing behind me, but watching my rear view mirror was causing me a ton of anxiety.
It's true, I see it. I don't want to be "that guy". I wasn't going to post this but since you did I will agree with you. Florida is a right to carry state and people do. South Florida has criminals, foreigners, and rednecks. Any can cause you a bad day if you poke at them. I try to maintain a relatively low profile on the road and always leave myself an out from intersections, etc. I've never had a road rage incident and don't plan to even if that means I won't get on the list. OMG...I realize what you mean. I did a 55 mph drive on I95 the way home from work as I was sweating bullets, 0 DTE as I entered the highway and 22 miles before I could safely pull off to get fuel. I made it and earned my first 500 mile tank! But it wasn't without, was I amazed at how people flew up on my tail and then quickly swerved to miss me! Dodged a near collision when a guy swerved around me, then back in front of me, and almost collided with a guy who was merging on the highway from the right. I have a real question. Are there any South Florida commuters in the Hypermiler club? If so, do they do this on I95 during rush hour? I just don't see how you could drive 55 for long without getting into an accident, as fast as people shot up on my bumper.