The problem is that your car has been selected by a special military project to train birds to crap on the optics of vehicles, thus blinding their drivers. These birds are in the early stages of their training and need a very visible and distinct target to practice on. Congratulations on your selection.
Time for birdie to go bye bye I wonder if it is the car being so shiny? Doesn't it seem a dirty car doesn't get shit on Mike
Are the birds in question large Crows or Ravens? Do you hear demonic chanting? Perhaps you've upset the spawn of Satan? I suspect it's just bad luck. I used to own a green vehicle, and I imagined it got crapped on, more than other rudimentary thesis was that from the air, it perhaps looked like a bush or tree... But, I honestly think, we notice it, when our vehicles get crapped on. And if it happens to occur 2 or 3 times in a short period, we start to imagine a correlation, that I really suspect doesn't exist. You're vehicle isn't being targeted by the Avarian World because it's a Prius. But let me know if any large, satanic looking dogs start appearing.
I pulled into a parking spot, under a tree, and I had no more than pulled to a stop than I heard a loud "PLOP" on the roof. I knew exactly what happened. getting out I looked on the roof and yep, bird poop. I looked up in the tree and said "you couldn't have waited until I got inside?" well I guess it is better than getting pooped on
I predicted this problem back in the GenII era.
It's only BIRD crap. I have to deal with GOOSE crap. The stupid geese don't even migrate & seem to live around the office. I believe they poop in the parking lot when on final approach. Sometimes the fields are black with them. Fake owls don't work. The fake dogs don't work either. Last week I could have taken a photo of two geese eating right next to the fake dog. So far they have been smart enough to stay off the pavement while I'm driving. I do like Slow Turd's idea. We are fortunate that the Pterodactyl is extinct. You KNOW it is intelligent enough to crap on the car, wait for you to clean it up, then eat you.
Here is the latest and the greatest. Last night when I got home from work, I put a mouse trap on top of the side view mirror. I went out just before dark to see if it was still there. As I walked out, I noticed a bird on the hood of the car which quickly flew away and didn't leave a calling card. I got up early this morning to get the newspaper and the trap was completely gone! There was a faint line of you know what on the side of the car. If you hear of a guy attacked and killed by birds on Long Island, you'll know who it was. To Be Continued!!!
Maybe the OP needs to look at clear covers. Then of course one would need to clean the cover. They're not cheap, but could be a wise investment if one gets the heavy duty kind that can protect from hail damage.
The simple answer is get a $25 car cover at Walmart. I got one last year for a different reason. I visit a town called Pinetop and the pine sap will wreak havoc on Prius paint too. With the car cover - problem solved. Don't forget to cut a hole in the cover for the areal.