Its amazing how much info there is to digest from one event in someone's life. I am in the beginning stages of healing, dealing with car issues and trying to work. Legal intervention is certainly needed. The car should have been a loss, and we don't know why it isn't. So, I will take this weekend to see what options in a Prius trade I will have. All the advice here has been so helpful. We have a new Corolla for a loaner until the detail work & repairs are made..... Sad part, I still owe $15,550 on the car. Anyways, another weekend approaches, and work to be done. Time to test drive a few new and not so new Prius's this weekend . Maybe by the fall , better deals will be available for a trade.
Well, I can pipe sunshine up your.....but you are going to take this one on the chin. To ease the pain, you have your health, no one died, you will get most of your lose back, you will recover, better days are ahead. God has your back! Still it's going to be an ouch! This will heal and of course this too shall pass! Great days ahead, best of luck.
Yup, that's my motto "this too shall pass" . Time eases the journey with lots of detours. I know it will work out, just a bit frustrating. I will shake it all off, and roll on.
Still waiting for my Prius to be ready for the second time. Door had to be taken off, reglue ? the panel that had popped out like a reverse dent....needs to be cleaned and detail the unknown blue stains in the cargo area etc ....... At least I can read about everyone's Prius here while we wait. We have submitted a DV, and will hire a car appraisor next if a fair value isn't agreed on. If I only knew the car would not have any electrical or mechanical issues, I would keep it, but its value has sunk for sure according to trade in values...wait and see scenario at this time I imagine. Yes, everyone is looking out for their interests, but sometimes if people are fair, it is what it is and life moves forward. It is hot here, and I can't find my heatshield since the accident, need to buy another and have tinted windows....
There is still another avenue to explore, especially if there are body fit and alignment problems. I have seen cars in salvage auctions labeled as "faulty repair" where the owner refused the car due to poor repair, or parts re-installed that should not have been. If a car savvy person looks semi-casually at your your car will he/she ask if its been in an accident?, then thats a hint something was not done correctly.
Thank you for your reply. My husband has the better eye. He spotted the reverse dent . Sent it back and now The shop said they had a 'paint' issue and had to repaint now. It's been another week instead of 2 days. The shop never called back on Friday so we wait until Monday. Something is not right as a day or two was needed, and now over a week. I have been reading up on paint and heat booths and battery disconnect during the process. I will have more questions on how it was painted and where ,as heat and welding might affect battery performance. There is quite a bit to the process. If the car went off Toyota property for paint , were they electric car savvy?
The whole repar process sounds like a cluster F :-( So sad to see people go thru this BS when it wasn't even their fault in the first place. Take care, Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
I know I miss having the Prius, and hopefully, it will be back soon. How they painted the 2 doors and rear corner, I do not know yet. They said they had a problem with glue and paint.....Tomorrow another day for details.
Gads, almost 60 days later you don't have a car, you aren't going to have a car fixed right (the shop has repeatedly proven that), and you aren't talking to a lawyer? Or at least demanding a new car from your insurer? Stand up for yourself.
Yes, this has been a long wait. My husband has legal assistance but the car is a separate matter from medical/liability . The at fault party is responsible for repairs or car loss. The shop is responsible to warantee their work. So, if items are found that pop up directly due from the accident(weren't "visible" at time of repair....) will be repaired accordingly and paid by the insurance company if anything else arises. If items were faulty from repair, the shop is responsible under their we wait. A loaner car is provided. Why it wasn't declared a loss, surprises all . Inherent Diminish Value claim has been submitted, and we wait. We both work 7 days a week(boat related), and can't seem to plan ahead until this car thing is resolved. At least I can lurk here knowing I own a Prius, but don't possess one. I had planned to tint, buy seat covers, and new heat shield and other goodies but now will wait......PC has been very helpful while I learn about the Prius tips and ownership care & allowing me to vent.
We pick up our Prius in a few hours. We asked them questions regarding heat and paint booths. Heat never went as high as in most cars , its a Prius...its their job to know how to treat the car. As mention having the car taking 2 months short of a day for final (we hope) return..... the adjustor and insurance company took over 2 weeks total time to evaluate and sign off on the car with the stipulation they will fix any issues that crop up in the future due to the accident. After they accepted responsibilities of repair, it took time for the collission department to order parts to commence , any more work order adjustments needed, more time for the adjuster to come, inspect and sign off...... then final inspection. The collission department was quite patient with me as I called frequently throughout the process. I am just happy to get it back once more and not need to buy gas each week........ and now another tankfull to fill the loaner with before we return it!
Sooo happy to have my Prius back, nice and clean...even found my sunshield! After work, took it for a drive to Staples just to buy their Allsorts Llicorice to celebrate. The car looks good. Remote key had issues even at the shop and they dismantled and cleaned the door handle contacts....hopefully, it will suffice. So happy......
Use this accident as an opportunity to re-evaluate things. Maybe you want to sacrafice a little more money for extra features, or maybe you're in a financial hole and need to be driving a used Corolla. Things happen for a reason.
Things do happen for a reason. I am not a car person.....but I want the Prius more now then ever after not having it for 60 days
Update for those who might benefit. We have had our Prius back almost 2 weeks now. Really happy to have it back, and still have half a tank . Hopefully no more issues. Dash display lights took almost a minute to turn on the other day at start up.....thought the battery was seems fine. The insurance company replied to my DV request with an offer. I submitted our initial purchase market value analysis at time of purchase, local ads for 2011 Prius , internet listings, Nada, KBB and dealer quotes for trade in, including dealer fees and sales tax. .....Their adjuster had the same comps excluding dealer fees & sales tax. Its a fair offer as a compromise. I am glad their response was professional and not in a bully type mode as expected from the initial contact. Grateful the Prius holds its value at least. We have had many cars and trucks in our lives, as well as rentals.....the Prius is still our first choice. Thankyou to everyone here at this forum for your help .