@SysCon – Good on you with your continued convergence on becoming an Ultra-High MPG Petrol Warfighter and Card Carrying Prius Borg residing in the Canadian “Hybrid Hive.” The important point to my 10th GREEN LINE On The HSI “iMPG = ½MPH” recommendation is that correlates to the most desirable, optimal ICE POWER BAND vs FUEL CONSUMPTION RATE (i.e. a “$weet $pot” on ICE Power vs Fuel Burned Over A Given Distance). The down side of your “I can accelerate sometimes with two marks past the center green line” from a dead stop is that you will have to drive a LONGER DISTANCE with the ICE running at a something less than optimal FUEL BURN RATE OVER DISTANCE to get you up to your desired travel-cruise speed. The 10th GREEN LINE On The HSI burns more fuel instantaneously than does your “two marks past the center green line,” but burns it at an optimal POWER vs FUEL BURNED for a SHORTER DISTANCE. In the grand scheme of FUEL BURNED over DISTANCE TRAVELED to get to a selected CONSTANT TRAVEL SPEED, the 10th GREEN LINE On The HSI will accelerate you from DEAD STOP 0.0 MPH at Point “A” to, let us say, 45 MPH at Point “B,” using less incremental fuel over A-To-B than finally getting up to 45 MPH at a longer distance down the road, Point “C,” using a “two marks past the center green line” on the HSI acceleration technique will use getting from A-To-C. RE: What is “BLACK LINE GLIDING?” The MFD on the iconic GEN II/2G Prius with the ENERGY SCREEN selected, displays BLACK LINES, as opposed to YELLOW (Battery Ops), BLUE-GREEN (Regen Ops) or ORANGE-RED (ICE Running) ARROWS, whenever the driver-operator is able to put the Hybrid Synergy Drive into a NO BATTERY-NO REGEN-NO ICE RUNNING Mode of operation. My use of the term “BLACK LINE GLIDING?” refers this operating state as it is displayed on the GEN II/2G ENERGY SCREEN. @Vlady – RE: “Read and applied catgic recommendations -got 50.5 mpg on short trip.” Thanks for the positive stroke. I am pleased that my recommendations assisted you in bumping up the MPG-FE numbers on your new Pv5. I am currently fighting hard and energetically using all my Ten Tips to regain and maintain my 55.9± MPG running average. This is because M’Lady, my Bride-For-Life, wife, has been issuing “Joe, it is getting hot!” estrogen edicts for occasional HVAC Air Conditioner use as Florida’s midday temperatures have crept into the balmy high 70s/low 80s with increased humidity. ONWARD AND UPWARD! @SysCon & @Vlady –FYI: It has been a pleasure chitchatting with you all about your new Prius v's, and assisting to lead you towards Max MPG-Liters/100km. For the next few weeks, I will not be able to respond, in real-time, to any additional questions you may have. This is because, later today, I will be taking off on a trip to Korea. As a result, I will be going e-DARK here on PriusChat as well as on my Ten Tips Guide web page and Prius v “Caddy In A Kimono” group. Fear Not…I “v”ill be backh!...And shall catch you on the flip side.