540.4 miles 11.025 gallons $3.359/gallon $37.03 total 49.01 calculated mpg 50.1 computer mpg on tank. $0.0685/mile 25 mph avg. speed* Lots of 95-100 deg days and short trips. Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-8#ixzz21G0rmzl7
546.6 miles 10.938 gallons $3.489/gallon $38.10 total 49.97 calculated mpg 51.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.0697/mile 27 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz239K94pZl
630.9 miles 11.164 gallons (2nd click; 10.968 first click) $3.279/gallon $36.61 total 56.51 calculated mpg 60.5 computer mpg on tank. $0.0580/mile 23 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz23ZJsBpUs
558.7 miles 11.086 gallons $3.569/gallon $39.57 total 50.39 calculated mpg 52.1 computer mpg on tank. $0.0708/mile 26 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz24edjDsnA
524.40 Miles 9.65 gallons $3.429/gallon $33.09 Total 54.34 calculated mpg 57.1 computer mpg $0.0631/mile 34 mph avg. speed
560.4 miles 10.930 gallons $3.699/gallon $40.43 total 51.27 calculated mpg 53.0 computer mpg on tank. $0.0721/mile 25 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz26MgC35DH
250.3 miles 4.898 gallons $3.579/gallon $17.53 total 51.1 calculated mpg 52.5 computer mpg on tank. $0.0700/mile 26 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz27O7CzeAo
Out of 14 fuel-ups I've never had a tank over 54mpg (calculated) / 57mpg (indicated). This is our "good" car so we use it for road trips to visit family and friends - at least once per month. Wife cannot tolerate MPG-friendly driving on these extended trips (and I can't either really). I'm 100 miles into my current tank which is showing about 65mpg (indicated). I might just fill up at lunch today because after work we're off on a 9 hour trip to North Carolina. Is that shameful or what?
***605.0 miles*** 11.457 gallons $3.489/gallon $39.97 total 52.80 calculated mpg 54.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.0660/mile 34 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz28VwYZOSb
469.5 miles 9.596 gallons $3.399/gallon $32.62 total 48.92 calculated mpg 51.2 computer mpg on tank. $0.0694/mile 25 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz2AQYhwfVj Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz2AQYZlYDy
No, i wouldn't say that. It happens to everyone. Sometimes we are just not thinking or we overlook something that might be obvious. I've definitely had my moments and felt the same way.
476.1 miles 10.350 gallons$3.129/gallon$32.39 total46.0 calculated mpg48.0 computer mpg on tank.$0.0680/mile26 mph avg. speed
424.4 miles 8.880 gallons$3.059/gallon$27.16 total47.79 calculated mpg50.1 computer mpg on tank.$0.0639/mile28 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz2FVGbftri