445.9 miles 9.392 gallons $3.459/gallon $32.49 total 47.47 calculated mpg 49.4 computer mpg on tank. $0.0728/mile
501.5 miles 9.738 gallons pumped 51.49 MPG (all interstate-highway driving, none above 65 mph) Don't recall what the cost per gallon was, so can't compute cost per mile. But I've been very, very pleased with the Prius's mileage since picking it up at the dealership with six miles on the odometer on Jan. 31. I've driven 2,200-plus miles and have filled up only four times--and have about 100 miles left on that fourth tank.
:lol: That's hilarious. And, yes, it does help me keep things in perspective --- I wouldn't attempt hper- um, -ventilating.
Filled yesterday. 393.5 miles traveled 6.513 gals pumped 60.417 MPG calculated (62.3 computer MPG) Shell 87 octane (10% ethanol) $4.479/gal. $29.17 total $.0741/mile
67,000 miles on our Prius. Most recent tank 46.4 mpg calculated. Mixed driving, short trips, wet, rainy weather, temps in the 30's-40's, typical miserable weather common here in the northwest 8 months out of the year. Reg gas with 10% Ethanol-winter blend. In summer mpg would be in the 50's. alfon
449.5 miles 9.334 gallons $3.529/gallon $32.94 total 48.16 calculated mpg 50.1 computer mpg on tank. $0.0732/mile
314.4 miles 6.598 gallons $3.559/gallon $23.48 total 47.65 calculated mpg 51.5 computer mpg on tank. $0.0746/mile
A little over 1,000 miles on the car. 487 miles at fill-up/ 9.289 gallons = 52.427 mpg calculated at the pump with 54 mpg reported on the dash. Mixed driving: some interstate, some rural, some city and some small town driving. Very pleased overall with performance and mpgs!
Filled 3/9/12. 358.6 miles traveled 6.090 gals pumped 58.88 MPG calculated (60.2 computer MPG) Shell 87 octane (10% ethanol) $4.619/gal. $28.13 total $.0784/mile Although I seem to be averaging higher calculated gas mileage than most, my cost per mile is still higher because of the price of gas here. that really sucks, man.
Filled 3/12/12. Warming weather is helping!!! 358 miles traveled 6.726 gals pumped 53.23 MPG calculated (55.1 computer MPG) Sunoco 87 octane (10% ethanol) $3.92/gal. $.074/mile
473.1 miles 9.660 gallons $3.639/gallon $35.15 total 48.97 calculated mpg 51.5 computer mpg on tank. $0.0743/mile
My 1st tank- 2011 Priuss 11 was filled up at the dealership all pips there. 501 miles 9.041 to first click computer read out 52.7mpg 55.41 calculated?? maybe did the math wrong put in BP non ethonal 89 to see if it made a difference with mpg. $4.09 per gallon. 2 pips were left when I filled up. AVG. 35mph computer screen
Forgot to add that I drove just as I would a regular car since I didn't know better until I got on here. ECO mode the whole time except experimented 1x with the EV mode which is useless where I live. Haven't touched the Power Mode yet & I didn't until I read threads on here that there was a plain old "regular" mode. After this tank is done I will switch off the ECO mode & see what happens with my 2nd fill.
I think warm weather and summer blend fuel is my reason. Was getting 40's all winter last tank same gas ,same routes driven, no air added to the tires, now low 50's. I am not complaining LOL. Now have 19 thousand on the Blue Goose so maybe getting a little broken in.
Since tires seem to be important I went out to check what brand came with the Prius 11- Yokohama Avid S33. To me that means nothing but to somebody it means something.
1st tank on my '12 Prius (don't remember all the details but the most important): $35.15 tank was on last mark 45.8 mpg Half the price of the Jag, 1/3 the price of the porsche, double the mpg....
As with most OE tires there are a lot of people who hate those tires. Other than my issue regarding tramlining I didn't think they were so bad but I only had 1595 miles on them before I traded them in for the Yokohama AVID Ascend. FWIW there are many people on this forum who get excellent mpg with the S33D.
For those of us too lazy (or too dumb) to do all the math, it seems like the difference between calculated mpg and relying on the car's display is just a hair less than 2.5 (with hand calc being lower). Does a 5% margin of error sound about right? Honestly, I bet its closer than that.