5th fill up: Miles to drive reads 551. Total MPG reads: 50.1 Total Computed MPG is 47.4. Last tank computed MPG is 47.25 Gas price went UP a couple of cents in the past 2 weeks. So this is consistent with the car "thinking" that it is getting about 3 MPG more than it is. This has got to be some sort of calibration error someplace. I drive a lot of hills and freeway miles. So ~47mpg is OK by me. Read more: Most recent tank | Page 16 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
421.0 miles 9.748 gallons $2.159/gallon $21.05 total 43.18 calculated mpg 45.6 computer mpg on tank. $0.05/mile 29 mph avg. speed * cold. lots of short trips. Read more: Most recent tank | Page 16 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
I think mileage is also dependent on the level of charge in the battery. Whether it's depleted or topped-up when you start, it would influence the mileage.
6th fill up:I got the alert and the blinking. Miles to drive was 15 when I filled up. I put in 9.600 Gal. Miles to drive reads 541. Total MPG reads: 50.0 Total Computed MPG is 47.3. Last tank computed MPG is 46.9 So this is consistent with the car "thinking" that it is getting about 3 MPG more than it is. Gas is 2.669 - 41 cents higher in 17 days I haven't been driving so much the past few weeks [For 1 and 1/2 weeks I didn't drive at all], and when I did I wasn't trying to drive in an eco friendly fashion. I was "driving" like heck most of the time [that is accelerating quickly and sometimes had to actually use my brakes]. I also needed to use the heater a bit while stuck in traffic. Read more: Most recent tank | Page 17 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
My ScangaugeII Flv Xgauge which read directly from the Prius' internal fuel tank sensor tops out at 11.4 gallons and bottoms out at .7 gallons. The Prius internal fuel tank sensor readings will vary depending on whether my Prius is going uphill ( higher than normal) downhill (lower than normal) or is on level ground (normal reading). My 2010 Prius low fuel warning alarm rings once when the Scangauge Xgauge FLV reads 1.7 gallons on level ground - but there is a tad more fuel in reality. The 2 gallon of fuel left estimate after the low fuel warning alarm and blinking bar is about right ( I use that tidbit to get 800 miles on one tank of gas) Because its pretty cold now, my Prius' overall MPG is lower than it would be in the summer time. To avoid getting all stressed out from driving - I allot more time to travel. The price of regular E10 gasoline is about $2.20 in the DC Metro Area which is affordable so that makes my wallet happy. Learning to hypermile my Prius - has helped increased my overall MPG almost 20%. Hypermiling isn't always possible but when it is - it can help boost the Prius fuel efficiency.
425.1 miles 10.021 gallons $2.159/gallon $21.54 total 42.42 calculated mpg 45.o computer mpg on tank. $0.0506/mile 35 mph avg. speed *lots of cold Read more: Most recent tank | Page 17 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
7th fill up: Total Computed MPG is 46.3. Last tank computed MPG is 47.1 Put in 6.872 Gal So this is consistent with the car "thinking" that it is getting about 3 MPG more than it is. Gas is 2.749 (Feb 22) [Posting about a week late] 8th fill up: I got the alert and the blinking. Miles to drive was 7 when I filled up. I put in 9.678 Gal. Miles to drive reads 531. Total MPG reads: 49.9 Total Computed MPG is 47.3. Last tank computed MPG is 47.8 So this is consistent with the car "thinking" that it is getting about 3 MPG more than it is. Gas is 2.259 - A big jump! I turned "eco" mode back on. I seem get about 1 MPG more with it on. I could probably go to 600 mi if I go "past" zero (on the "reserve") but it would make me really really uncomfortable. Read more: Most recent tank | Page 17 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook Read more: Most recent tank | Page 17 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
Good on you for calculating and tracking mileage. But as far as seeking to extend distance between fill ups: pointless, and risky. I'd fill up sooner, say any time you're nearing 1/4 tank remaining.
428.4 miles 9.940 gallons $2.219/gallon $22.06 total 43.1 calculated mpg 45.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.0515/mile 28 mph avg. speed
Here's mine from Northern Cali. These results are from 17 inch Persona wheels with a pair of toyo proxes and a pair of cheap non lrr valera tires. and the temperature keeps climbing.
9th fill up: (10Mar2015) Miles to drive [after fill up] reads 523. Total MPG reads: 49.7 Total Computed MPG is 47.05. Last tank computed MPG is 45.5 So this is consistent with the car "thinking" that it is getting about 3 MPG more than it is. Gas is 3.19/Gal MPG is a bit lower due to heater use and more aggressive driving at times. 10th fill up: (today): Last Tank MPG: 48.2 Lifetime MPG 47.2, What the car thinks: 49.7. (2.54 MPG 5.11% high)
11th fill up: (18Mar2015) Miles to drive [after fill up] reads 524. Total MPG reads: 49.8 Lifetime Total Computed MPG is 47.27. Last tank computed MPG is 49.1 A nice increase! Gas is 3.039/Gal 12th fill up: (10Mar2015): What the car thinks: 49.9. Last Tank computed MPG: 48.9 Lifetime total computed MPG 47.42 I'm getting close to 49 MPG now. Hmm.
543.1 miles 10.725 gallons $2.259/gallon $24.23 total 50.64 calculated mpg 53.4 computer mpg on tank. $0.0446/mile 33 mph avg. speed
549.3 miles 9.180 gallons $2.499/gallon $22.95 total 59.84 calculated mpg 61.3 computer mpg on tank. $0.0417/mile 23 mph avg. OE Yokohama Avid S33d, tire pressure 44/40 psi ScangaugeII no grill blocking
Wesayso. How are the ep -20 tires treating you? Did you purchase two more or are you still only running two. Hal
Not sure what you mean with the 2 tire comment. I replaced the original ep-20 tires a few months back at 41K. They were shot. Replaced with Michelin Energy Saver A/S.
478.8 miles 10.123 gallons $2.359/gallon $23.88 total 47.3 calculated mpg * 49.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.0498/mile 48 mph avg. speed *Over 400 miles at 70-80 mph.
498.1 miles 10.578 gallons $2.359/gallon $24.99 total 47.08 calculated mpg * 49.3 computer mpg on tank. $0.0501/mile 48 mph avg. speed
My first tank: 409 miles 9.29 gallons 44.02 calculated mpg Most of my rides were higher than that, but the car did have 10 miles on it when I got it - though that couldn't have swung it much. Curious to see how it changes over time. My best ride (not counting 5 mile little rides) has been 28 miles @ 55.6 according to the computer.