The owners manual states that once the gas light starts flashing you have 1.6 talk nd of gas left. Mine starts to flash at 23 miles left typically.
Well, the computer display could be misleading me but I "feel" that my MPG average tends to increase on the last 2 bars of the fuel gauge. I had attributed that to the decreased weight of the gas. This seems to happen every tank but I don't have any measurements to back it up. To play devil's advocate, the computer display of MPG also seems higher than it should when I fill up as well which is counter to the above logic. I attribute this to the smaller number of miles to use in calculating the MPG allows the higher display. Again, no hard data, just observations over time. Frank
Yeah, the car's lighter with a near-empty tank, there is a slight advantage there. Full to empty is what, 45 liters, which is 45 kilos. So a full tank is kind of like having an extra passenger. Still, I just put that out of mind.
449.1 miles 9.141 gallons $3.079/gallon $28.18 total 49.13 calculated mpg 51.1 computer mpg on tank. $0.0627/mile 42 mph avg. speed Read more: Most recent tank | Page 14 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
Just ran through my first tank in my brand new 2014 Prius Four.....babied it to the max, barely ever went to the power bar 42 mpg....that's stinks. It's worse than the 2011 insight I traded in. Totally regret buying this thing.
42 mpg, 1st tankfull brand new 2014 Prius four, babied it, barely over 2000 rpm. Terrible. My 2011 insight never went this waste of money for this Toyota, as soon as I'm even on trade in, going back to honda.
The only sure way of figuring mpg is start with a full tank. Drive till you fill up. Whatever gallons you replace divided into miles driven is your true mpg......not all the hocus pocus readd out numbers on the dash. I can't believe I'm the only one getting barely over 40 while driving mostly in the Eco range.
I will be passing the 1000 kilometer mark today. I am on the last blinking bip and it tell me I have 23 kil . before running out ,but I am going to push on because I have 50 kil. to go to reach 1000 tank. I'm at 4 ltr. per 100 for this tank. average speed is 54 kpr. h
MPG is miles divided by gallons replaced. You said gallons replaced divided by miles. My first tank on my 2014 was 44.1 and it went up from there. Its a new car and it will get better mpgs once the tires and the engine are broke in (roughly 600 miles). Also try either no ethanol gas or top tier gas, both of those should net a decent mpg increase. And lastly if the car sat on the lot for a significant amount of time then there could have been some old gas in the tank. Mine sat on the lot for 6 months and I ran a cleaner through the system on my second tank just to clean out an deposits that where left in the fuel system from the old gas (we bought 2 and the other one was on the lot for less than a month and it got well over 50 mpg on its first tank.) Techron is a good cleaner and I think it is on sale at autozone for 2 for $8 too.
My best tank with pretty much no A/C use. Re-filled and non flashing pip. The temps are dropping so probably won't be able to beat this for quite some time.. 523.90 miles 8.73 gallons $3.359/gallon $29.32 total 60 calculated mpg 62.5 computer mpg on tank. 22 mph avg. speed
Kenichols.........When I bought my insight in 2011 they suggested techron. Which I will go to after the 2 gas vouchers I got from the dealer, they are for shell gas. Have you done a comparison between the reg & premium gas after the car got broke in?
You cannot judge fuel economy by the results of one tank of gas. Plus, if you are making lots of short drives where it really doesn't get to operating temperature, fuel economy will suffer.
No. gas milrage usually suffers when you go up to a higher octane. Higher octane pump gas typically has less energy and it is harder to ignite. The general consensus is to only run it if the manufacturer calls for it or you have problems with pre-detanation.
I still wonder how I always fill up with 9 gallons and gas indicator is blinking and says like 2 miles left.I always go pump once the 2 miles are up.Does it mean i still have gas let in the tank and the indicator is not accurate?