436 miles 10.28 gallons $3.65gallon 42.4 calculated mpg 45.7 computer mpg on tank. 24mph had some "spirited" driving on a few curvy back roads...
564.1 miles 10.993 gallons $3.459/gallon $38.02 total 51.31 calculated mpg 53.4 computer mpg on tank. $0.0673/mile 28 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-13#ixzz32G2RxRyT Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
519.3 miles 10.106 gallons $3.499/gallon $35.36 total 51.38 calculated mpg 53.7 computer mpg on tank. $0.0680/mile 37 mph avg. speed
504 Miles (my first 500 mile tank) 9.659 gallons $3.759/gallon $36.31 total fill 52.2 calc mpg 54.4 display mpg $0.07/mile 31mph avg speed
35K maintenance. 5/31/14 35,959 miles oil & filter change Mobil 1, 0-20W OEM filter Rotate tires Check fluids.
Sorry but this log does not help. This data should be put in either fuelly.com or on the EPA web site, www.fueleconomy.gov under user data. I have to put you on my ignore list as every time you post, it suggests there may be a new subject posted I might be interested. I appreciate your interest in keeping a record. The reason for using fuelly.com and/or the EPA web site is it puts your data in a place with others who share their Prius tank performance. It means your data helps make the averages and distribution more accurate. This thread does not provide running averages or performance relative to other Prius in your area. Bob Wilson
545.5 miles 10.576 gallons $3.519/gallon $37.22 total 52.8 calculated mpg 53.7 computer mpg on tank. $0.0682/mile 29 mph avg. speed
I am inching ever upward toward my goal of 60. I could easily get more miles on a tank, but I do a lot of rural driving over two counties and have to plan my fuel stops pretty strategically.
543.9 miles 11.107 gallons $3.399/gallon $37.72 total 48.97 calculated mpg 50.7 computer mpg on tank. $0.0693/mile 28 mph avg. speed ***Hot Hot. Lots of AC***
381.6 miles 7.371 gallons $3.349/gallon $24.69 total 51.77 calculated mpg 53.6 computer mpg on tank. $0.0647/mile 29 mph avg. speed
518.6 miles 9.821 gallons $3.119/gallon $30.63 total 52.8 calculated mpg 54.6 computer mpg on tank. $0.0590/mile 34 mph avg. speed Read more: Most recent tank | Page 14 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
1. I'm not doing this to help you. 2. Look at my sig. I DO post to Fuely. Every fill up since I bought the car. 3. Ignore me, or don't. I do not care.
413.6 miles 7.916 gallons $3.149/gallon $24.93 total 52.2 calculated mpg 53.5 computer mpg on tank. $0.0602/mile 33 mph avg. speed Read more: Most recent tank | Page 14 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
438.3 miles 8.455 gallons $3.069/gallon $25.98 total 51.83 calculated mpg 54.4 computer mpg on tank. $0.0592/mile 40 mph avg. speed Read more: Most recent tank | Page 14 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
450.0 miles 8.616 gallons $3.089/gallon $26.61 total 52.23 calculated mpg 54.9 computer mpg on tank. $0.0591/mile 44 mph avg. speed Read more: Most recent tank | Page 14 | PriusChat Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
522.7 miles 9.08 Gallons of Pure Gas $3.499 per Gallon $31.79 Total calculated mpg 57.48 Computer mpg 60.3 average speed 44 mph
Last tank 460 miles this tank i have 420 and still 2 bars left.Once the last bar starts to blink i go will up so i normally drop in 9.5 gals How much linger can i actually drive once the computer says 2 miles left ?? Dont we hold 11 gals ??
^ Depends on how lucky you're feeling. My take: running the gas tank close to empty does nothing towards improving the mpg; I just tank up any time it's significantly below half-full and I'm passing by my favourite brand station.