405.7 miles 9.5 gallons $3.35/gallon 42.7 calculated mpg 44.5 computer mpg on tank. 28 mph avg. speed eco mode, no snow, no ice, lower grill 100% blocked, temps in the mid-low 30s...
431.7 miles 9.656 gallons $3.199/gallon $30.85 total 44.7 calculated mpg 47.7 computer mpg on tank. $0.0714/mile 36 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-12#ixzz2tDonfH2o Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
424 miles 10.05 gallons $3.39/gallon $34.06 total 42.4 calculated mpg 44.2 computer mpg on tank. 19 mph avg. speed (included several hours of me sleeping in the car at work during the snow)
443 miles 10.09 gallons $3.46/gallon $34.91 total 43.9 calculated mpg 46.5 computer mpg on tank. 30 mph avg. speed
478.5 miles 10.340 gallons $3.289/gallon $34.01 total 46.27 calculated mpg 48.4 computer mpg on tank. $0.0710/mile 31 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-13#ixzz2vHK75kQj Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
462.5 miles 10.69 gallons $3.62/gallon $38.70 total 43.2 calculated mpg 46 computer mpg on tank. 27 mph avg. speed
425.5 miles 9.349 gallons $3.339/gallon $31.22 total 45.51 calculated mpg 48.3 computer mpg on tank. $0.0733/mile 28 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-13#ixzz2x5XoduBS Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
503.2 miles 11.1 gallons $3.66/gallon $40.63 total 45.3 calculated mpg 47.9 computer mpg on tank. 27 mph avg. speed normal mode. switching back to eco mode on this tank now that weather is warming up..
473 Miles 9.368 gallons $3.559/gallon 50.5 calculated mpg 53.9 displayed mpg 32 mph avg speed $0.0705/mile
363.8 miles 7.588 gallons $3.439/gallon $26.10 total 47.94 calculated mpg 49.8 computer mpg on tank. $0.0717/mile 27 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-13#ixzz2yxFsqcMx Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
Pretty pleased with this. My lad took another picture after we got to the fuel station and I was filling up. For me the secret seems to run the tank low and refuel at a motorway service station at the start of a long journey thereby avoiding the low mpg drive out of town.
I'm doing it! I'm doing it! Each tank gets a little better. Most of my driving is highway with some stop and go city sprinkled in. I am on a mission to get 60. I believe I'm going to do it.
I have the same car as you and I am getting the same MPG as you. Where I live it is perfectly flat, no hills.
401.6 miles 7.822 gallons $3.449/gallon $26.98 tota 51.34 calculated mpg 53.1 computer mpg on tank. $0.0671/mile 33 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-13#ixzz30DArcTkL Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
355.0 miles 6.965 gallons $3.499/gallon $24.37 total 50.96 calculated mpg 54.2 computer mpg on tank. $0.0686/mile 51 mph avg. speed * Trip to Annapolis* Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-13#ixzz30DArcTkL Follow us: @PriusChat on Twitter | PriusChat on Facebook
I've never reached 500 miles on my trip meter because that last bar scares me since I drive mostly highways. It says there's only 32 miles left in the tank. Is that thing accurate? The bar isn't blinking yet. The further I ever drove was close to 500 miles when it started blinking but when I filled it up, it only took 10.2 gallons.
Thanks! I made it with plenty to spare. I filled up and it only took up 9.3 gallons. I get nowhere near the mileage you guys seem to be getting in this thread though. I only had 474.9 miles from that tank.
499.8 miles 10.9 gallons $3.80gallon 45.8 calculated mpg 48.6 computer mpg on tank. 25mph 68 miles on one flashing pip... halfway through the tank the car had the inverter recall flash performed. I think it dropped my average as when i got in the car after the service was performed, the average fuel mileage had dropped quite a bit. probably as a result of he car sitting on while in the garage.