163.5 miles 3.329 gallons$3.059/gallon$10.18 total49.11 calculated mpg50.0 computer mpg on tank.$0.0622/mile52 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-9#ixzz2FVHC2dwM
557.0 miles 10.949 gallons$3.049/gallon$33.38 total50.87 calculated mpg53.6 computer mpg on tank.$0.0599/mile35 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-10#ixzz2FhruZJW4
I know my 2013 Prius has a break in period, I know my techniques are not honed in yet, but my wife 2012 Prius is kicking my a**! I just filled up again, took 9 gallons went 431 miles for about 47.7mpg. However, I really have been trying, perhaps too hard to squeeze all I can most of the time. I have gotten better, but I do try a lot. First tank is 411 using 8.7 gallons. So my total mpg is like 47.3. My wifey is over 50! Help!
I got 49.7 on my first tank, but I had been hypermiling with my FJ Cruiser before that to eek everything I could out of it.
471.0 miles 10.531 gallons$3.159/gallon$33.27 total44.72 calculated mpg47.4 computer mpg on tank.$0.0706/mile26 mph avg. speed*cooler temps, many short trips. Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-10#ixzz2Ii0T1VsM
453.8 miles 9.796 gallons$3.349/gallon$32.81 total46.33 calculated mpg48.5 computer mpg on tank.$0.0723/mile28 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-10#ixzz2KbLElTt4
First tank filled on my 2012 Gen III last night. 1st tank was provided by dealer. 4 PIPs left. Filled 8 gal (slight top off) for 359 miles for 44.9 mpg (readout). Will do a basic calculation on next fill. Not bad if accurate since temps ranged from 23-48 degrees and my commute is 75% kamikaze highway miles from the western edges of the DC metro. Tried to keep speed under 65 but you all know how that goes.
527.7 miles 11.016 gallons$3.509/gallon$38.66 total47.90 calculated mpg50.5 computer mpg on tank.$0.0732/mile29 mph avg. speed Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-10#ixzz2MnaHLKwB
544.0 miles 10.528 gallons $3.799/gallon $40.00 total (added $.20 after first click) 51.7 calculated mpg 54.9 display (6.2% error) $0.0735/mile 38 mph avg. speed Weather has been in the 30s - 40s with higher winds, rain, snow & sleet.
Just got back from road trip to Missoula Montana. Started at Salmon, Idaho According to Google Maps its 139 miles BUT there is a large mountain pass in between and it takes 3+ hours to get there. While driving the newly purchased Prius 2 I realized that I need to push a button for EV, ECO, POWER. Have been driving for last 10 days without any green indicator light on. Found out abput green light after hitting the POWER BUTTON going uphill. Well IMO the MPG increased. When I arrived in Missoula I filled up tank with 2.7 gallons which figures out at 51MPG. Best I have before discovering the green indicator lights was 43MPG. And that was slight up hill and down. I am trying to achieve maximum MPG but not by the display MPG, I fill up before and at destination. Caculate the old fashion method, pencil n caculator in hand ---lol Oh and on the way down the mountian I accidently had the car in netural for a couple of miles, used the B to slow down.
564.4 miles 11.032 gallons$3.449/gallon$38.05 total51.16 calculated mpg *49.5 computer mpg on tank.*$0.0674/mile26 mph avg. speed* first time calculated has been higher than computer - and I filled at same pump and even filled to 2 clicks of pump. Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/most-recent-tank.94676/page-10#ixzz2PJ1HT7Lw
399 miles 8.6 gal 46.4 calculated mpg 47.1 computer mpg 2 PIPs left on the gas gauge 2 clicks on the pump. on some pumps I've been able to top off another 1.5 gal but not today.
Thanks! I'm fortunate to be able to charge at work. My daily commute is 11 miles each way on flat surface street, no freeways.
I touched 50 mpg briefly for the 1st time today on my commute home. temps in the DC metro hit high 70's today and the car responded nicely. Car now has 4k miles on the ODO and forecast calls for temps 70-85 rest of the week so I'm hoping for some big numbers.
I just tanked up for the first time on my new 2013 Persona. I was using the dealer's fillup and went 396 miles with 42.6 mpg (calculated) at $4.299 per gal (ouch). I used to get better mileage with my 2010 Prius III (usually 46-47 mpg). I think living up in the hills kills my mileage and I am hoping that after a break in period for car and tires (17") that my mileage will improve.