All doors and the hatch lock when I use the key to lock the driver's door. Mine's a Gen2, but I suspect that Gen3 is the same.
Same. lol. Actually that's what a bunch of old fogies in a mid 90s LaSabre said when they saw our theft-deterrent sticker on the car. But remember, joyriders are out for the thrill of stealing, not to sell the car.
My Prius cools off really quickly. It's a 5 minute drive from the golf course to the bar and I was cool as a cucumber when I got there. The air is cold coming from the vents in about 10 seconds. Starting temp was 91. Pretty hot here in Mass but nice and cool inside Rattles.
Guess my A/C temp setting is too high lol. With a 5 min drive like yours, I'd be worry about draining the battery (and thus decreasing mpg because the engine will have to recharge it).
The outside temp display can't do 110 F. It will flip between 109 and 111. I'm guessing it is trying to convert from celsius, but can't.
Has anyone else noticed that the tailgate isn't steel? I can't figure out if it's plastic or aluminium, but I can tell you a magnetic GB plate won't stick to it.
If you are rolling windows up/down when the RAP (Retained Accessory Power) goes off, the window stops. RAP does not allow the window movement to finish.
I don't recall this being mentioned but the "Line Colour" in the SETUP menu changes more than just the line at the top of certain menus such as the Audio screen (choice of light blue, blue, red and orange). The button highlights (e.g. the current song) are changed as well to match the theme.
I like to use trip A to record avg mpg and miles per tank, and use trip B to record avg mpg and miles between oil changes. gives me a year long (10,000 mile)average.
Off topic, well sorta, I've just read the whole 76 flamin pages, do I get a medal? Trouble is, I didn't take notes and I'm gunna have to go through em again!
We were just in reverse and noticed the speedometer showed our speed. 0 to 2 in just a few seconds, baby! WOOT!!!
Should have a prize for listing something that hasn't been listed before, after 756 entries. How about these? -There are pins under the center armrest cover that you can tape in, allowing you to open the cover without having to pull it all the way back. -A swiffer duster fits PERFECTLY in the lower glove box, thanks to that weird indentation on the left side. -For cars equipped with parking assist, and for those actually patient enough to figure it out, when you shift the car in reverse, you can select the self-park option on the bottom of the NAV screen, rather than fumbling with the button at the base of the steering column. -I just saw a video on youtube about secrets to achieving maximum MPG, and it mentioned that the Prius seldom actually uses it's true breaks, but rather relies on the regenerative breaks for the majority of stops. I'm kinda slow, but now understand why Prius owners brag about the long life of their breaks. I also read a previous comment about expanding the number of threads you can view on a single page... anyone know how to change this?
Do note that this is a function of braking style. The maximum regenerative braking force varies with speed, from moderate braking at low speed to light braking at highway speed. It is less than many drivers are accustomed to applying, and less than many Prius drivers expect. That means many drivers will not be getting the full benefit of regen unless they change driving style.
I raced an F150 and WON! No lie. I was LMAO. The F150 driver was embarrassed. I NEVER give it full throttle. I drive it to get the most MPG. FWIW I get 52 all day.