Why yes. Yes it is. You wouldn't believe the kind of responses I get when I post that in the "Casual Encounters" section of craigslist.
I'm eating raw food. Raw pickles are easy to make, and tend to be on the sour side. I'm not much into pickles, though I love a good olive!
I'm thinking of "colorizing" my avatar (just like Ted Turner has done with some classic B&W movies that were not To Kill A Mocking Bird). I'm also looking at different recipes for sour pickling brine.
I'm glad you have work. * * * * * * * * * I found this terrific bottled iced green tea in New York Chinatown. It was made in Taiwan. And made with Jasmine green tea. Ever since then, I've been using Jasmine green tea for my home brewed iced tea. I make 5 quarts at a time.
I have my daughter and two of my grandchildren in from Ohio this week, so anything other than the "basic" is just not happening here, Tom.........Will get back to normal cooking once they return home. That will be sad, though............
the term "fob" as in keyfob goes back to the days of pocket watches. it was the short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist. Today it's a remote control used to lock and unlock a car, among other functions. (i was bored and saw this in car and driver)
Today is the full moon. A friend of mine is drawing down the moon tonight, her first time since attaining the rank of High Priestess.
Getting up at 4:30 tomorrow morning to drive my daughter and grandkids to the airport. They head back to Ohio. It will be a lonely drive back home.........
Aww. Why not go back with them to Ohio? * * * * * * * * * * In other news, I did laundry today for the first time in 4 weeks. I had been down to my "B Team" of clean undies (Christmas themed boxer shorts, undies with no elastic left so you have to wear them with a belt ...)
for $19.95 you can get a visa card from bank of america that when you press a button on it, it displays a six digit number on the credit card's lcd display!!! you use the six digit number for bill pay and balance transfers, heh
Tom.......I wanted to go, but it just didn't work this time. I am going in a couple of weeks to help them move from Ohio to Indiana, so I will survive until then..............
I guess "B Team undies" sounds better than "second string undies" (in your case anyway Boo). But thinking about apparel quality reminds me of Bill Murray's categorization of apparel cleanliness (Ghostbusters 2), not a simple clean v dirty dichotomy, but many subtle gradations of cleanliness. I think my clothes adhere to a similar continuous distribution of quality. (But perhaps adhere is a poor choice of vocabulary in this particular domain!) Thinking more deeply about this now, quality and preference are probably not the same thing at all when it comes to clothes, who doesn't have a favourite article of clothing that has become so worn that it is more properly a favourite dustcloth? Which poses yet another problem, when does clothing get demoted from A team to the B team? Is it kind of like telling a parent that they are too old to keep driving, or is it something else entirely? PS - You have 4 weeks worth of underwear?! I guess america really is the land of plenty.