Time out!! No political talk. None. Zero. This is the BORING thread. back to your regularly scheduled boredom...
Enjoyed your photos. Did not look at all but did notice the hot water heater. I did not notice a hot water expension tank. If you do not have one on the system, I highly recommend one and it is now code in most areas. I installed one just recently and wish I had long ago. It's an easy install and they can be found at any home/hardware store such as Home Depot. I've added a link in case you do not have one or are unaware on their purpose. Water Heaters - Expansion Tanks
Sarah Palin's husband is part Eskimo. I had always heard that Eskimos knew their snow -- fluffy snow, wet snow, yellow snow, etc. I'm just sayin'.
I choose to give you that benefit of the doubt and publicly apologize for my knee jerk retort.:sorry:
Back to toilet paper! LOL I looked up Seth Wheeler's patent for perforated toilet paper roll and I think he liked his toilet paper to unroll from the bottom or back. Check it out for yourself. Here's the drawing for his patent, plus a zoom-in of the drawing's Figure 2 which I think shows his preference:
In our house when I was growing up, toilet paper was our facial tissue. It was like the Richard Pryor line, "You got $5? I'm gay." Here, you got toilet paper, you got facial tissue.
Perhaps it would be better to buy some, instead of just picking some up. Marshalltown Police: Woman Stole Toilet Paper From Courthouse - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha It was probably a boring news day. Although her name may have helped draw some attention to the arrest.
Does anyone here practice toilegami in their home? It is the art of folding toilet paper into interesting shapes while still on the roll. It is practiced by some upscale hotels as shown in the example below. (Note the front dispensing horizontal orientation.) For those interested in learning more about this art form there is a website (of course) here: http://www.origami-resource-center.com/toilet-paper-origami.html
I've only stayed in hotels that do the classic triangulated toilegami on the left: Left: classic triangulated toilet paper origami Middle: pleated toilet paper inspired by HotelChatter Right: pleated-tuck toilet paper inspired by P O'Brian - - - - - - - - - - - - On a lower-browed note, this is what happened while I was eating garlic knots this afternoon: I leaned over to eat over the plate (so no oily minced garlic would fall onto my shirt or pants), and I heard my cell phone snap a picture inside my pant pocket.
I suppose it would be in keeping with the theme of the thread. Oh! Wait! That's this isn't the insult thread.