Here's a very good take on the actual background and intent of this particular center, and the importance of embracing and supporting anyone who stands up for the true Islam, rather than the dry, empty and legalistic Wahabi version supported with our oil dollars in Saudi Arabia and in madrasas in places like Pakistan and Indonesia: Count me as another person hoping that love and reason win out over the fear and hate promoted and exploited by opportunistic politicians. Having read a lot of Sufi poetry and literature, and had a long association with a universalist Sufi group (though not this particular group), I can personally testify that Islam does not always have, and does not need to have, an angry, medieval face. People need to separate true religion from the political exploitation of it by al queda like groups.
it doesn't matter who posted it. it would have been posted eventually. the "tone" of this thread is the same as in other car forums. it's an intense and worthy thread that will give "food for thought". .
A friend just posted on Facebook: "In fairness, we've been building 'ground zeros' near Iraqi mosques since March 2003."
I wasn't aware it was Sufi and didn't even know there was a Sufi presence in the US. To generalize a bit, Sufi's are good people. I'm not at all religious but I do admire religious groups that treat their members and outsiders with respect and also manage to enjoy life. Plus, the fundamentalists don't like Sufis Unfortunately for the Sufi's, their moderate view of the world and mysticism has resulted in their being persecuted within the Muslim world at various times.
This madness will continue until people finally let go of their ancient superstitions and folklore. The way out isn't to demonize a specific religion, but to reject them all.
But playing "My imaginary friend can beat up your imaginary friend" means you don't have to be honest and say "Nice land. I'm going to now take it from you."
I think we should allow the Muslims to build a Mosque right on Ground Zero! Of course they would be required to be in compliance with the local neighborhood architectual covenants, i.e. Two Towers, each constructed to include 110 floors...
You can't expect staggering brilliance ALL the time. Plus, it takes many types to make a village. But you're right. I, for one, should have known better and done some research before reacting.
I still can't convince my husband that it is actually a community center not a mosque. He is very sure that it is both. Someone told him....
the problem is, the prez called it a mosque, the times called it a mosque, the governor called it a mosque, the mayor called it a mosque, wolf blitzer called it a mosque, ali bashire called it a mosque... i don't know the definanition of a mosque and i'm not sure it matters.
This whole thing sounds like ignorance to me, people not willing to find out information and gather true facts, to understand what something is all about, its much easier to use less brain cells and be told what to think, no matter how ignorant, illogical, or how wrong it is. Its NOT a muslim center, its a gathering center, for three religions, any and all of them can worship in the center if they want, its a meeting place for people of any religion to discuss and learn, its a recreational center to relax and have a good time, and finally, its a center in the middle of a blighted area, an area of strip joints, adult video stores, homeless people, shady nightclubs and abandoned buildings.
If they would come out and say that. Then so be it. Since they have not come up with a decent address to the public on their thoughts. It leads me to believe, They want to do this to heckle some folks.
"Everything they say is a lie! They even have a term for it - Taqiyya." This, however, is a lie. [ame=""]Taqiyya[/ame].
interesting..put this in..... the more you know column now i know why they always talk out of their nice person. .