Yes and no. We're still talking about the issue of tolerance for other cultures. And after 360 posts, it's remarkable we're anywhere near the original topic.
typo fixed yes, most Muslims are not Nazis but, radical Islam was founded by the mufti of Jerusalem. the Mufti was admirer of Hitler and believed in the extermination of the Jews. his ideaology still exist today in modern radical muslims. so there is a history between radical islam and nazis
The Catholic Church was heavy into helping Hitler and Mousilini in getting rid of the Jews also, kind of a wash.
after reading this, your wrong [ame][/ame] if any catholic clergy helped in the holocost it was some of the GERMAN clergy but not all. a few years after the concorde with Hitler and MUssolini the roman catholic clergy statred to speak out against Nazis. the nazis started to persacute Catholic clergy. read for yourself