which part do you mean? to tell you the truth, i'm not sure what's true and what isn't. i do try to remember history tho, so i don't repeat it. unless it was good.
One of the main factors for 9/11 was that Osama Bin Laden was rebuked by Saudi Arabia in favor of the US in fighting Saddam after he invaded Kuwait, Saudi Arabia was considered on Saddam's radar with his Kuwait invasion. That was one factor, the second factor in that was that Saudi Arabia allowed US bases to be built on Saudi soil, soil that also has Mecca on it, the holiest of holy for Muslims, fundamentals like Osama considered having non muslims on holy soil for the long term wrong. During the war, Bush had promised that the bases would be removed after the war, a promise not kept, increasing the fundamentalist anger. SAUDI ARABIA: Withdrawl of U.S. Forces - Council on Foreign Relations Its turned much different now, the US has created much more anger in the Muslim world, with the things we have done in Iraq, Afghanistan, and with things like the idiocy in New York now, showing the muslim world it is a holy war against them, at least in the fundamentalist mind. The worst part is that the sect that wants to set up the center, is the one group this country should be supporting, not only are they Americans, but they are a sect that promotes peace and is hated by the very fundamentals that hate us.
N.Y. Mosque Imam's Words Get Closer Examination - ABC News But the imam who has been praised for being a moderate -- he was even enlisted by the FBI to help train agents -- is also being criticized for comments made during an appearance on CBS' "60 Minutes." "I wouldn't say that the United States deserved what happened but the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened," he said in that September 2001 interview. Critics called him a "terrorist sympathizer." However, his wife, Daisy Khan, appeared on ABC's "This Week" Sunday and said that his comments were part of a longer interview. "In the longer interview, he talked about the CIA support specifically to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. ... In the '80s. The Soviet Union. And how this was, you know, in CIA terms, a blowback of that. That's what he meant."
I just saw this video made by a moderate muslim."Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a Muslim American and former physician to the US Congress"According to him,RADICAL Islam isnt planning to adapt to the USA. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-864522917532871834#
Please help me understand the situation here... OK we have Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal owning 7% of News Corp and he contributed ~300K to the center. One would think that News Corp/Fox News would gloss over the issues with this center and not make a big issue if they were being influenced by this relationship (kind of like how all the other news media outlets are treating the current administration). But by the story indicated above, that is quite the contrary. So what gives?
$100,000,000 project $300,000 is a drop in the bucket, probably paid for the architectural and structural engineering fees
Funny and interesting perspective from Jon Stewart, how easily the Fox News people are manipulated, it scares me that this country has gone so lost of reality: The Parent Company Trap - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/23/2010 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Wait a minute - since only Muslims are terrorists, are you implying the priest was secretly a Muslim?
I'm sure the bigots will cheer this. NYC Cab Driver Stabbed By Passenger Who Asked "Are You Muslim?" Daily Kos: Final Update: NYC Cab Driver Stabbed By Passenger Who Asked "Are You Muslim?"
NEW YORK — The planned mosque and Islamic center blocks from ground zero got a new boost Wednesday from a coalition of supporters that includes families of Sept. 11 victims. New York Neighbors for American Values rallied for the first time at a municipal building near ground zero. "I lost a 23-year-old son, a paramedic who gave his life saving Americans and their values," Talat Hamdani said, and supporting the Islamic center and mosque "has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with standing up for our human rights, including freedom of religion." The Associated Press: 9/11 families, others rally in favor of NYC mosque
so im gonna start this out by describing myself im 18 graduated an honor student with both parents who have been born in america and my family goes back as far as i know to full born in america ancestors im going into the us army and i must say there is nothing wrong with a mosque being built near ground zero all islams that arnt extremists do not consider terrorists to be doing anything right or anything positive for their religion there are extremists in basically every religion including christianity about two billion people practice islam and about two billion people practice some form of christianity islam and christianity are extremely similar i have no religion but i guarantee you i can tell you more about each than you can tell me actual islams did not commit te 9/11 attacks extremists who practice a deformed sect of islam did brainwashed people basically its not like a place of religious practice right by ground zero is going to disrespect it in anyway guarantee you more than a few islams died in the buildings should we be mad if their islam family visits the freedom tower because of it you people need to learn more and stop being ignorant about a building being built a few blocks away
Here. Borrow some of my punctuation if you want me to read more than five words of that: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !! ?? " " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , , , , , , , Also, you see that key to the left of the "Z" key (no, not the "X", the other one). Try pressing it and a letter at the same time and watch what happens!
That was his very first post in this forum, I'd be more welcoming than to bash his typing. Welcome TomCole12345! As you can see the mood can be unforgiving in Fred's, but a hard hat is definitely recommended should you choose to join Fred's Politics joint next door
Personally I think a lot of these problems could be avoided if it were made a criminal offence (in all countries) to attempt to indoctrinate anybody in any religion before they reach their teenage years.